~OTPSANDBROTPS~ "Im, sorry who are you?"

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~Episode 2~


3rd Person POV:-

“GUYS! IVE FIGURED OUT WHAT WE COULD DO TODAY!!” Turner exclaimed excitedly while bouncing up and down. “What is it?” Gravis questions the thrilled master of speed. “A COOKING CONTEST!” the master of speed chanted, posing and looking at nowhere. “Basically, all of us have to cook something except for the most amazing cooks and whoever wins, I will do your bidding for the next 2 weeks when we have these meetings!” Turner said proudly, somehow. Did he really not know how this was going to end? Theres a possibility of him ending up being in the hospital for weeks or months. Another possibility, he could die from the heatstroke outside after doing things. This wasnt a good idea for sure. But they were all too lazy to convince Turner how bad it may end. But since they all knew what would happen, I think we can all agree its gonna be fine.


“So Neuro, Pale, Karlof and Skylar, youre the best cooks so you guys are gonna judge our food!” Turner stated. “We can get any resources from the back that we need!” the master continued and finished. The 4 best cooks stood and went to an empty table and sat down, Skylar next to Karlof and Neuro next to Pale. Turner rushed into the kitchen then to the table the 4 sat on, handing them a timer. “What is this for?” Karlof questioned. “Well, I decide to make it more complicated where we only have 30 minutes and then we have to stop!” the master of speed explained.

For just a moment, a flash light appeared from the kitchen, thuds and sounds of utensils and pots and pans flying across the room. “sWEET JESUS” a female voice boomed from the kitchen followed by groans and 'ow's and 'ough's from various different voices. “GeT oFF oF ME!” another male voice said before someone stumbles out from the doorway. The person pants and looked up. “Where are we now!?”

Gasps of all kinds came out the EMS' mouths. Why? There was another Ash in the room! “Yo Ash, whats out there?” a voice, similar to Turner's, asked and another person came out. Yes, it was Turner. “What. The--” “NO SWEARING!” a robotic hand slapped the other Turner from the back. It was Zane! “Hey, this reminds me of my draft of Otps And Brotps!” a feminine voice came as another person stepped out the kitchen. This time, it was a person they had no idea who. “Oh, my good lord, it iS!?” the person exclaimed. “AAH, CHERRY, WHATD YOU DO!?” a person, who they presumed was Cherry, stepped out too and stared at the other person. “What? I didnt do anything!” Cherry reassured. “Ohmygod, they werent supposed to know that theyre actually in a book!” the person panicked. “Well how am I supposed to know where the portal thingy took us!?” Cherry protested. “Well, I might as well break the news then.” the person sighed and turned to face the Oneshot EMS. “Youre all inside a book” but all the Oneshot EMS just stared. Hold on... Arent I the author? I should be in here.

O.EMS : What?

Me : Yep. This is a book.

O.Neuro : That.... Makes no sense

Me : Will it make sense if I said, Turner has a crush on Neuro, Pale and Ash are gonna fight over Shade and--

O.Turner, Ash and Pale : oKAY OKAY WE BELIEVE YOU! *shuts my mouth*

Cherry : Real question is, how the hell are we gonna get out from here?

O.Skylar : Howd you guys get here in the first place?

Me : Well, SOMEONE *glares at T.Turner* pressed some buttons.... (T for T or D) but we've been to other places before this. Seems like its doing a shuffle between oneshots.

O.Gravis : whats a oneshot?

Me : uhh...... Nothing...?

T.Neuro : Its where she makes stories of you guys falling in love with eachother

O.Neuro : Exactly that


Cherry : Sam, calm down. I can get us outta here. Besides, we still have our--


T.Tox, Neila, Chamille : You JUST realised?

O.Shade : What is he... Me... Talking about?

Cherry : Well, I made a Truth or Dare Ninjago book where you all have to do dares and tell truths from the readers. Someone requested Shade. This. Shade, to turn into a baby for 3 chapters

Me : I miss my baby children

Cherry : my baby wolfie qwq

O.Ash : W--

T.Jay : Dont even ask

O.Ash : Okay...?

Me : Anyways, lets go back---

I was cut off when another portal came from the floor.

Cherry : nOT AGA---


Everyone disappeared through the portal in just a split second.

The Oneshot EMS stared at the floor weirdly, eyebrows raised. “ What was that all about? ” Pale questioned. “ That was weird, too ” Turner stated. “ Can we just.... Continue with teh competition thing? ” Shade asked, looking away and blushing a bit. “ Yeah... Lets do that... ” Neuro agreed and so did the rest.




Ash and Pale : wHAT!?