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•PART 2•

3rd Person POV :-

Kai jumped and landed on a rough-like surface. Kai slowly opened his eyes to meet with the plank boards of the bounty. He looked slightly up to meet with Nya who ran up to him and hugged him, only to let go and slap him. “ Ow! What was that for!? ” “ The hug was for being safe. The slap was for being stupid and running into a burning building. ” Nya explained then standing up. “ What did you do? Wait... Is that...? ” “ Neuro. He passed out under a ceiling in his room. ” Jay walked up. “ How did you know where his room was? ” the master of lightning asked. “ Random guess ”
“ Its amazing how you found him without knowing where his room was ” a voice came from the front of the bounty. Everyone turned to see Shade. How did he get up there?

“ Shade? What are you doing here? ” Lloyd questioned the master of shadow.

“ What Kai was gonna do. But, I guess you got my buddy out safe and sound. I almost passed out myself ” Shade explained, smiling weakly. “ I-I gotta go. Turner would be worried ” Shade muttered before disappearing into his own shadow.


“ When is Neuro gonna wake up? ” Kai asked impatiently to Zane as he leaned against the wall outside the room they offered Neuro to rest in. “ Tomorrow, at least. ” Zane said, closing the door behind him. “ You can go and see him if you would like. Im going to make us all dinner ” Zane huffed and left. Kai thought for a while before opening the door and stepping in. He closed the door behind him and sat down next to Neuro as he rested on the mattress. Kai felt uncertain but he held Neuro's hand and whispered, “ Please wake up.... I... I love you... ”

“ I know ” a response came from the master of mind, who smiled and opened his eyes slowly. Kai jolted up from where he sat and let go of Neuro's hand. Neuro chuckled and slowly sat up, massaging his own forehead and blinked a few times. “ I was just too afraid to tell you how many times youve failed to block your mind from me ” Neuro muttered, looking at Kai who was on the floor, still surprised. “ Y-you knew!? ” he blurted out, feeling a bit embarrassed. “ Ive always known ”

Neuro slowly leaned in and kissed Kai, making the other jolt again. But he soon calmed down and kissed back.


“ Okay, so I tell Kai youre NOT awake? ”

“ Yep. Now go. Make sure he comes in! ”