~SMOKESHADE~ " I'll treat you "

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*Lol see for urself

Shade's POV :-

I ran around Ninjago, on my way to the movies and trying to contain my excitement from exploding. I was so hyped when the trailer for the new Ninja movie was out where it casted, of course, the ninja and their sensei. Me and the rest of the elemental masters werent in the movie or mentioned in any way but they said they had caught a kissing Griffin and Neuro from one of the scene's backgrounds during the behind the scenes. I laughed so much when I heard about it from Jay, that I nearly wanted to call up Turner about it.

When I reached the theater, a long line was already formed in front of the ticket booths. I went to the one with the least people and waited,

I waited,
    And waited,
           And waited,

It wasnt really long until I could meet my gaze with the receptionist and when I did, I was surprised to see Ash smiling at me, seeming like he was also surprised. I stuttered, “ A-ash!? My, my have I not seen you since the tournament of elements. Which was like... A year ago!? ” he was an old good friend. It would take a miracle to find the guy. Other than him, it would also be hard to find Pale, Tox and Gravis around. Why not Neuro? I can just find him whenever I see Turner. But if I were to be much honest about seeing Ash for the first time in so long, Id say I was pretty heartfelt when I saw his face. I had a crush on him since the tournament and I have had thought about finding him on social media.

I then heard Ash chuckled and saw him nod. “ Let me guess ; youre here to watch the new Ninja movie? ” he asked making me laugh. “ How many people did you serve to know this? ”  “ Enough to know I served 15 seats empty for one row just in case you other masters come by. ” he smirked, typing something into his computer then giving me a ticket. Before I could pay, I heard him tsk at least 4 times. I look up at him as he winked and whispered, “ This ones on the house ”

Disbelief took over my whole face and made me blush a bit. Was he... Treating me? “ What? Come on, ya dont have to treat me! ” I half whispered, half yelled, making Ash laugh a bit and shake his head. “ Im serious. ” Oh shit, serious Ash is hot whatthefu--- “ Shade? ” I hear a voice say behind me, which might I add, was really familiar. It sounded like--    “ Kai!? ” me and Ash yelped. “ Ash! Its good to see you guys. Here for the movie? ” “ Yep! And, dont you know the plot and whats gonna happen aleready? ”

“ Yeah but Skylar forced me to watch it with her. She wasnt in the movie
Sorry you guys werent metioned either. ” Kai said, scratching the back of his neck. “ Nah, its nothin. Anyways, Im gonna go. ” I say before walking to get popcorn


“ It was SO great! I loved it so much! ”

“ Ugh! I wanna watch it again but Im totally broke ”

“ Did you SEE how they used their powers!? ”

Blah blah blah.

I walk out, the halls turning into a tsunami flood of people. The movie was great, yeah, but they changed so many things in there. But I saw my two favourite masters in a scene so im gonna stop complaining.

I walk out and who do I see once the crowd clears? Yep. Ash.

He seemed to take notice of me and smiled, turning his whole front to me, making me blush for some reason.      “Shade! How was the movie? ” he asked, taking a bite from his Subway sandwich. “ Eh. ” I responded, grimacing a bit and showed my hand tilting, in a flat position, sideways. Ash laughed and nodded. “ Alright. Any of the other masters sat next to you? ” Ash asked me with a clear smirk across his face. I nodded and said, “ Yep. Was it you? ” “ Yours truly. Yes. ”

3rd Person POV :-

Silence filled the atmosphere around the two masters, making it a bit awkward to even start another conversation. Shade's breathing could be heard and he could feel the air coming in and out.

Ash started talking again, but he seemed nervous. Flustered.“ S-shade ” he stuttered out the other's name. Shade feels his heart racing and his face heating up. Shade doesnt know whats happening but... If he were to guess?? It would be... “ I have a confession to make ” the master of shadows look slightly down to the ground, butterflies in his stomach.      “ I.... Really... Really like you and I have been since.... Well, the tournament and... I was thinking maybe we could go out sometime?? ”

A confession

Go out sometime

Words that make Shade surprised and feel giddy. Ash crumpled up the paper and threw it into the recycling bin, only to meet again with silence. Ash was worried Shade would reject and make it more awkward than it already was.

Shade? Oh, he had no idea what to say. He just stood there with a shocked expression and a dumbfounded feeling. He didnt know what to do, say or react. But to know his crush likes him back? That is just a miracle for that to happen to anyone. Especially to Shade. All his life, hes just wanted to love someone like a lover and this was his chance. If he screwed up, he would mentally die of self-disappoinment and self-hate because he always have screwed up so many fricking things. Theres no time to count.

He didnt have the courage yet to respond. But he had to whether he did or not. He had to. He didnt want ot miss this chance. This may be his only chance. His only opportunity in finding love.

Shade couldnt really find the words to respond so he and Ash stood in front of eachother, afraid - then again, excited - of what would happen next.

The two masters felt a bit awkward and they were both flustered. Just that you cant see it. Shade didnt realise what he was doing until he said, “ Hell, fucking, yes ” Ash was surprised he actually said yes. No matter how long they havent been talking for eachother. It wasnt until Ash hugged Shade, that the master of shadow feel relieved his mind told him to say it. Or... Was it someone else? Maybe a master of mind. A master who can read minds, send them messages, give them painful headaches and most importantly, change what they think.

Shade hugged the other master back while looking behind him to see a master of mind and speed, making a thumbs up. Shade blushed but smiled, thanking Neuro through his thoughts. Neuro smirked before walking away into the crowd of people in Ninjago and only not to be seen again. Shade needed this. Hes wanted this and hes got it. What else could he possibly wnat more than this? Nothing. Nothing else is better than having the person youve had a crush on, beside you.


“ Ill treat you for dinner next time ” Shade sighed out, making Ash feel triggered.