~SMOKESHADE~ " u succ "

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*Streamer AU
*Theyre basically online friends streaming together and playing mINECRAFT cuz we all know Fortnite is dead becasue of Pewds and im glad. Sorry for the Fortnite fanss qwq plz dont  kill meee
*ehhehehehehehehehhehehe Shade keeps dyin and Ash has to save his ass everytime a creeper comes by
*Before teh tournament uwuwuwuwuwuuwuwuwuwuwu

3rd Person POV :-

“ motherfUCKER-- ” Shade yelled through the mic, making Ash grimace and laugh over the screen. Shade was mining when all of the sudden he came upon a dungeon that spawned creepers. He had no time to break the spawner so that was an issue. Another problem was that he had diamonds on him. Thats why he yelled-   “ AGHH!! ” Shade groaned, respawning next to his black bed. Ash laughed again. “ U succ ” Ash typed in the chat, still laughing. “ Shut up.... ” Shade groaned.

“ Cant we play Roblox or some shit? ” Shade whined, taking some iron from the chest beside his bed and making armour and a pickaxe and sword. “ Seriously? Roblox? Its like.... So overrated and the games are terrible. Okay, I admit some of the games arent as crappy as they are but like.... Minecraft is WAY better ” Ash protested in the chat. “ Oh come on! Its an awesome game! Also, cant you just put on your mic? Ive never heard your voice before ”

Ash's character hit Shade's and walked out of their house they built. “ Was it somethin I said? ” but Ash didnt respond.

“ Awe, Ash!! Come on, dont be like thaaat!! ” Shade typed in chat. “ Im sorryyyyyy ” he typed again. Now, Ash was was beginning to smile but the good thing was that Shade didnt know it. Hes never even seen Ash's face before. “ Ok, can I ask you a question??? ” Shade typed. “ Where do u livee ”

There was a short pause. Its just the people watching who was commenting down shit but Shade and Ash didnt really seem to care much. Before Shade was about to send another message in chat, Ash had responded, “ Ninjago ” WITH👏HIS👏VOICE. Shade's heart sank and it made him blush but he hid it like he was the master of hiding shit. But not just because Ash's voice was soft. It was also because he lived in NINJAGO. Out of all the places he could of been, its was NINJAGO. Shade didnt know how to respond. Well, he did. And that was “ I live in Ninjago too! ” which made Ash's eyes widen and the people in the comments explode, thinking of a good ship name for them. They were thinking of Ashade or Shash or even Shadeash, basically all the most terrible ship names. The two streamers avoided the comments though. But they knew what was happening. Its been going off for a while now. Since they started becoming friends, all their fans joined to form a secret fandom all about shipping the two. The author of this book being one. Oops, I broke the 4th wall. Oh well, whatever.

Would the ship become cannon right after they meet in real life? Will they meet in real life? What happens when they do?

“ Well.... Ive gotta go now. I just got an invitation to somethin and it starts in a bit ” Shade muttered, blushing and scratching his neck. Ahs paused. “ Wait. Did you say an invitation? ” “ Yeah? ” Ash paused again but then told Shade to wait until he came back.


“ does the letter say anything about a tournament? ” Ash says as he read the invitation he received this morning quietly. “ nnnnnnyes ”  Shade responded, reading his own invitation. “ an elemental tournament? That says to meet at the docks of Ninjago at night and not to tell anyone or else therell be consencquences? ” Ash asked again. By this time, they had ended the live stream and are now talking to eachother on a video call.

“ Uh... Yes. How do you know this? Did you get one as well? ” Shade question teh other streamer. “ ....well.... Yes... ” Ash said, trailing off. “ Holy, shit. Were gonna meet in real life. This is awesome!! ” Shade said, getting a bit giddy and excited.

Ash smiled and gripped on his invitation tight. “ yeah... ”

“ I guess we are.... ”


'okay what about SmokeShade since like.... Ash's name is like.... Close to smoke???' a user named DepressionDams typed in his group chat of friends. 'oh shit thats good' a friend of his called, 'PurplexCherry:v'. 'OKAY, SHIP NAME HAS BEEN CONFIRMED' another of DepressionDams' friends named, 'TisI' typed.