~INVISABLESHADOW~ " Valentines Confession "

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*2 parts

3rd Person POV :-

Ninjago was holding up a Valentines Day special event at Wu's old monestary that Borg decided to rebuild. The elemental masters were in their own separate houses and apartments. Masters such as Neuro and Griffin or Pale and Shade were hanging out in Neuro's house as they always do on free days. They were all watching Gayle Gossip News on the TV.

« Hi, Im Gayle and Im here today with the ninja to talk about tonight's Valentines Day event. » she said, in her cheerful tone as always. « Jay Walker, I heard you were the one who nagged about wanting to do this. Whos the girl? » Gayle went on, handing the microphone to Jay and he answered, « W-well... Its not... Techinically a girl... » his voice, a bit nervous and blushy and looked over at Cole. The four masters smiled and were really surprised but... Relieved? At least they have friends who wont judge people or hate them for being gay or... Les or trans. Most of the elemental masters are, for example, biromantic asexual or if youre counting Morro, ( yes, I made him alive) then Biromantic Greysexual. No one really knows who he likes but they never wanted to push it after what hes been through all those years ago.

« Oooh~ okay, its fine. We wont judge you but when will the event start? » Gayle asked Zane. The nindroid answered with excitement « Well, its starts at 6:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. and we hope that the elemental masters will come stop by the event. I am talking about you all. Yes, you too Neuro. And also Jacob and Gravis. Yes, Karlof, you too. No excuses either, Shade, Ash and Skylar. » Zane ended, mentioning the other masters.

“ Huh. They usually never mention us before. Why now? ” Griffin questioned. Yeah, they havent talked for about a year now.

« Say, weve never actually seen the faces of these other elemental masters. What are they like? » Gayle asked, very curious. « We-heh-ell! » Jay said with a smirk. « Kai DOES have love problems with three of them » « ohmYGOD SHUT UP, JAY! » Kai blushed, almost wanting to choke Jay. The blue ninja just laughed as he slapped his hands away from punching him. « I honestly just ahve a problem with how delicious the food is there » Cole butted in, his mouth watering as he thought of cake.

« If you wanna see what they look like, we might as well show you a picture. I mean, if they allow it. Hold up. Neuro if youre watching, can you use your powers and ask the other masters? Thanks » Lloyd started to speak up.

Neuro nodded and sent a message to everyone and well, they were cool with it. He told Lloyd it was fine so he showed a picture to Gayle and the whole of Ninjago.

( I would honestly draw the pic but it would take forever srry)

« ooh, whos that handsome person in white back there? » Gayle said, probably talking about Griffin which made him shout, “ SORRY, IM TAKEN ” as Shade and Pale laughed, Neuro was a bit pissed when he heard this. «Oh, thats Griffin Turner the zippy fast one. Master of speed. He has a boyfriend though » Jay explained. Neuro was still mad though but he tried to shrug it off.

« Anyways, thats all for tonight everyone and we will see you all tonight at the event. Gayle Gossip News, out » she finished, which of course, Neuro turned off.

Pale got up with Shade to go to Shade's apartment while the other two left to stay. Well, Neuro obviously but Griffin too.


As Shade walked close around Pale on their way to Shade's room, Shade couldnt help but glance over to his face everytime he had the chance. He was deeply in love with him. Hes in love with someone he doesnt know looks like. He didnt care about that bit of detail. He just loved his cute personality where he would whine when his milk runs out or when he tries to be sarcastic. No, they dont live together. Theyre a couple blocks away and are the closest to eachother so theyve actually formed a kind of bond more than Shade had with the others.

Pale, on the other hand, also liked Shade. Thats why when he walks behind him, his shoulders become stiff and he always curses himself under his breath for it.

They both couldnt wait till teh event cause they both planned to confess their attraction towards eachother. Wow, did their hearts beat fast just thinking about it? They were both a nervous wreck and could die instantly right after the other rejects, trust me.