~SMOKESHADE~ " Sign Language "

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*Highschool AU - Marriage AU
*No one understands Ash because he is mute
*Shade has a crush on him and decides to study sign language.
*They still have powers huehueheu

Shade's POV :-

It was a normal day in school ; people making fun of my skin colour for being gray, my bags under my eyes and even some people bully me. I watched as everyone entered class since I was more of an early bird. Today was a bit different since we were told we had a new classmate and he was apparently mute. Well, welcome to the being bullied club, my friend.

The teacher opened the door and someone came in with grey hair, grey eyes and a gradient white to black sweater with blue jeans. He smiled at everyone and waved. I waved back but no one else seemed to have but me. He actually seemed pretty cute, really. His hair was a but messy but at the same time, it looked soft. His eyes looked lifeless but he generally looked cheerful and bright. He was just the opposite of me. Cute, bright and happy, while I am sad, lonely and depressed. (mood) He grabbed a chalk from the teacher and wrote some stuff on the black board. It said, 'My name is Ash and I had transfered here and I had to move with my father because he had work here. Im really shy and Im... Mute... I hope we can be friends either way, though!' but even when he didnt say it aloud, he sounded so.... Fearless of bullies or really cheerful. It was cute nonetheless and he sat 2 tables away from me, near the window.


After school ended, I decided to drop by Ash before I went back. “ Hi, Im Shade. Ash, right? ” he nodded and signed something out. “ oh, sorry. I dont know any sign language but... I wanna learn! Just to uh... To know more about you easily. ” I said, with the most cheerful smile I could make. Ash's turned brighter than before and he seemed really excited and amused probably for the fact that I was the first person who actually wanted to be his friend.

Wow, was he cute when he was like this.

I heard honking and looked back to see my dad in the car, waiting for me ot come in. “ Oh, I uh... I gotta go. Ill catch you later? ” I said in a hurry and he nodded. We both shook hands and I left to my car. When we got home, my dad said he needed to go back to work and since I had no homework, I looked up into the internet on how to learn sign languages easily and fast. It lasted for hours until I skipped dinner just to learn thid stuff.

The next day at school, I signed a short 'Hi Ash!' to him when I saw him walk into the gates. He looked surprised and stunned. 'Im surprised you actually meant it when you wanted to be friends with me!' he signed in response. 'Of course I would. Im a man of my words and I keep my promises.' I signed back with a smile that had been locked away for years. The bell rang and we both said our goodbyes and took our leaves.

•~•~•7 years later•~•~•

“ And Ive never regretted coming to school ever ” I said, my arm around my husband, Ash. My friends laughed and my Ash blushed. I signed, 'Embarrassed?' but he didnt respond witg anything. He just looked away and hmph-ed, his arms crossed. I chuckled and pulled him closer. I kissed him and said, “ But Im serious here, Ash. I never regretted coming to school ever again since you were with me ” I said softly and made Ash rest on my chest. I kissed his forehead and signed, 'I love you'. Ash closed his eyes and signed the same but added a 'too' at the end.