~DARKFASTTHINKING~ " How do we dance? "

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*They have no idea how to dance with three people
*Marriage AU

3rd Person POV :-

It was Fall and everyone gathered around the beach in Ninjago for a wedding. Whos wedding you ask? Well, the famous poly relationship, Turner, Neuro and Shade. They ended up dating after the tournament of elements and theyve been at it for a couple years now. Morro was the one who chosen by Shade and Turner to keep the ring intact and in a safe place. Karloff, Jacob, Jay and Pale ended up being the flower girls.... Guys.... Who cares. Ash and Kai were the best mans. Men. Mens?

Turner and Shade were already under the arch, waiting for the other. Neuro got ready, letting Pale fix his suit and tie which was hard to focus with since he was crying.


Neuro walked down the grey carpet beside Ash and Kai with Pale, Karloff, Jacob and Jay following behind with flower crowns of black and white in colour. Morro went up to Shade and Turner, handing them the rings then running back into his seat next to Echo Zane, putting his arm around the android.

Neuro stopped, standing in front of his two lovers as the best men and flower boys walked to their seats, tearing up in every step they took.

The master of mind walked up in between Shade and Turner and gave them both pecks on the cheek.

-Lets skip the talking part-

Turner took the ring and put it on Neuro's finger, Shade doing the same and vice versa with Neuro. (that was hard to explain) Both master of shadow and speed leaned in and kissed Neuro on the cheek since I dont wanna explain things so--

Tears of joy and cheers of blessings filled the whole beach as Turner and Shade took Neuro by the hands and walked him down for a dance. The music played, the people dancing, Cole asking the cake out on a date and finally, the three lovers' kisses. A rainbow across the sky and gay couples' loves were in the air because heck, who cares if people hate them. All they need is eachother. Not some tears because they shouted at you, saying you would go to hell. People should live with respect for others and its just like Lloyd's father used to say in the tournament, 'Treat others the way you want to be treated and they will treat you the same'...



“ How the fuck do we dance ” Shade wondered. His two lovers shrugged and all three tried different situations for example, one should be in the middle and switch with another every 20 minutes.