~OREOSHIPPING~ " My best bud "

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*So apparently me and FireWolf1790 aren't the only few who stans Karlof and Cole's friendship so thats cool
*Karlof x Cole but just friends. Nothing about love and romance here. Just good friends.
*They havent seen eachother in a year noww

3rd Person's POV :-

After the celebration of the defeat of Chen had ended, the elemental masters went their seperate ways and back into their own lives. Some actually bonded and formed a really strong friendship that would probably never break. One of the few were Karlof and Cole. They have much in common but the rest are more likely to be opposites. Like,... Karlof can actually cook. Cole can eat a dozen cakes in a minute. A thing they have in common is being to have super strength because of their powers and both wear black. Sometimes the others call them twins but they dont mind.

Anyways, about the separating,

“ Hey, remember the elemental masters from last year? ” the black ninja asked, taking another spoonful of his soup. They were now having dinner and of course no one said anything abour the food tonight since.... It was Zane's. “ Of course I do! ” Kai exclaimed. Jay laughed and punched him on the shoulder. “ You only remember Skylar! ” “ Well.... ” Kai mutters.

“ Yes, I remember them clearly. I really miss them. Especially Paleman ” Zane came into the room with rice.

“ Well, I miss Tox, Camille and Skylar. We were a gang! ” Nya spoke up, taking a sip from her cup. “ If im being honest, I do miss zippy. He was like another version of me ” Jay muttered “ Eh.... Shade.... ” Lloyd started and blushed. (ahahah blackscreenshipping because energy and shadow?) Then everyone turned to Cole “ Cole? ” they all asked at the same time. “ Funny you should ask. He was my best bud. My pal. He was like my brother. ” Cole said, smiling. “ Ohhh, its Karlof! Right? You two were so close! You guys were almost inseparable! ”Jay says. Cole nodded and continued finishing his food.



“ Whats that sound? ” “ I mean, we ARE on land. Maybe someone found the bounty? ” Nya explained and suggested then got up from her seat, everyone else following behind. They go outside and see..... Turner, Gravis, Shade and Karlof!  “ Heyoo! ” Turner greeted with a smile and a wave. “ ZIPPY!!! ”Jay squealed, yeeting himself to Turner and hugging the master. “ S-shade! ” Lloyd stuttered and blushed, shaking hands with the master. “ Lloyd ” Shade said with a warm smile.

“ Karlof! ” Cole exclaimed once he noticed the master of metal. The ninja rushed to Karlof and hugged him tight
“ What a coincidence! ” “ Its good to see you. Its been.... A year now? ” Gravis spoke up, making them all nod. “ Well... Come on in and have some dinner with us ” Nya suggested and motioned the masters in. So they did. I mean.... Tehy came a long way from Ninjago to the desert. They need a break. “ Wow, Karlof. You look a lot different ” “ Yes. Karlof tried on many other different clothing and Karlof really likes this. Karlof also changed hairstyle--- ” “ It feel great to see you again. Sorry for thinking you were the spy ” Lloyd mutters, still blushing like mad. Shade laughed and put down his spoon. “ You do realise that that was literally last year, right? ” “ Eheh. I know. I just wanted to say.... ” Then complete silence. “ Whatve you and Neuro been up to lately? ” Jay teased “ Oh, well... Psh......... weregettingmarried ” “ ohmygOSH AND YOU DIDNT TELL US SOONER? ARE WE EVEN INVITED!? ”
“ Relax! Of course you guys are! I dont wnat my friend to feel hurt and get another lead foot! ” “ Awe, come on, Zip! Taht was last year! ” Turner laughed and continued to finish his food. Who is Gravis talking to, you ask? Surprisingly, Kai. “ So, hows your relationship with Jacob?~” the ninja teased. “ ....... I cant say. Hows yours with Skylar? Oh wait.... Its Ash now, right?~ ” the master teased back.

What a coincidence


Shade and Lloyd sat next to eachother in silence before,

“ Hey, Lloyd? ”

“ Uh.. Yeah? ”

Shade smirked and turned to Lloyd. He blushed and leaned in quickly ot kiss Lloyd, making the ninja surprised but kissed back.