~DARKFASTHINKING~ " Cheer up, please? "

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*OT3 so deal with It
*Theyre at a sleepover suggested by the ninja in a random appartment or something

3rd Person POV :-

Shade, Neuro, Turner and the ninja was in the ninja's apartment, waiting for the other masters to arrive. They came in either pairs or singles. The food (mostly the desserts) were already all half eaten by Cole but everyone gave up to even try to prevent him from finishing the food so that was.... Actually not really that bad. I mean, they ahd revenge since Cole ended up having food poisoning and hey, they literally have a person with speed powers. It wouldnt be hard to get more food anyways so it wasnt that much of a trouble but it did annoy Turner to the fact that he took Cole out of the kitchen and locked him with the others, only bringing plates for everyone else but him. He sobbed the whole time though he ate cAKE and Zane had to calm him down.

Anyway, once everyone was there, they all decided to play some Uno. Fortunately for them, they had enough cards for everyone to play and Neuro, to no surprise, won. No, he didnt cheat. Hes just really good at strategy games like Uno or Chess and stuff like that.

Turner was in a bad mood since the food incident no matter how many times Cole apolagized, he still wanted ot strangle him to death. So the whole time they played Uno, Turner was always feeling like he needed to tick off. He actually almost won only because his seariousness was there and his childish mood he always had disappeared. His boyfriends, Neuro and Shade noticed this and tried to help sort things out with him and Cole with Zane too. There was that time when Turner got to land a small punch on Cole but Shade quickly stopped him before things went worse. Yeha, it was bad and Cole got traumatized at his speed when he went in for the punch. He was much faster and much more unpredictable even to Neuro because when you cant read a person's mind fast enough before theyve reached you, then thats a problem to when Turner might betray them and become a villain.


They had a fun night joking around and talking to the other masters and ninja. Its nice to keep in touch with friends after all. The only person that didnt have much fun was Turner, still. And hes a cheery person! It wasnt his usual behaviour to be so... Pissed. His boyfriends didnt enjoy his not-so-happy mood and he rarely ever gets them but this is a first of the year. Yes, sometimes it happened before but sometimes it never has. Turner is someone you can call laid back and chill but he has his limits so dont push it.

Turner stomped his feet, not using his powers like he usually does, going to his room to chnage his clothes. Shade and Neuro did the same and they all went out to binge watch a movie on Netflix which ended up being Mamma Mia just because Turner liked it and theyre still trying to make Turner happy.

They got his favourite things in their apartment ; his favourite movie, his blanket, his mint chocolate ice cream, his stuffed animal (a cheetah and an ostrich named Griff and Blanc) and finally, his popcorn and cotton candy. Turner was really happy now but he didnt wanna show it yet, thinking he might feel embarrassed. “ Awe, Griffy, you dont have to feel embarrassed ” Neuro said, sitting down next to him and Turner muttered a “ crap ” Shade chuckled and said, “ Forgot you had a kind reading boyfriend? ” and Turner looked away. “ Awe, come on, zip. You cant stay away from us for that long, you know? ” the master of shadow said in a teasing voice. Turner blushed and groaned, knowing that he was right. He camt stay away from his lovers for too long. He needed them.“ Thats the spirit ” Neuro said, hugging Turner from the side and gave him a small peck on the cheek which made Turner smile. Shade did the same on the other side and Turner's smile became wider. “ I hate you guys ” “ We love you too ” Shade and Neuro said in unison.