~DISINTEGRATEDSMOKE~ " I thought you liked him? "

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~PART 2~


Ash's POV :-

I stare at the distance at Shade as he ate a cookie and Pale scolding him. I smirk a bit when I heard a distant whisper, saying, “ SHADE! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE, NOW! ” then followed by another whisper, “ WHYYYY? ” which, for some reason, sounded like Zane. I then saw.... Shade...? Walking up beside me.
“ What's going on? Why is everyone calling m-- ” Shade stopped, staring at teh other Shade. I was.... Needless to say, confused until the Shade who was eating the cookies noticed the Shade beside me and whined, “ NOT AGAIN! ”

3rd Person POV :-

Cherry : Well, since we're exposed, *glares at T.Shade* listen, were from another dimension and we accidentally came into yours!

O.Pale : Uhm... WHAT?

Sam : Like she sai- AAAAHHHHH!


The strangers soon disappeared, leaving the ninja and elemental masters confused. What. The fuxk. Happened. “DONE!” the ninja, or the EMS' team leaders, chanted at the same time, making the masters sigh in relief. “FINALLY!” Ash celebrated, throwing all the extra ornaments and lights, flopping down onto the snow. Pale watched as the smoke master created a snow angel form the snow and blushed at how cute he looked from his perspective. “Mhmm. 'I dont have a crush on him alright'” Neuro mocked Pale from behind. Pale turned and scoffed jokingly, folding his arms. “Whatever. Also, who do you think those other versions of us were?” the master of light asked Neuro as they walked side by side towards the bounty. “Like they said ; us from another dimension” Neuro said plainly, checking the ornaments for cracks. “But... I thought there were only a few dimensions?” “Those are realms. Theres a huge difference between them, you know” Neuro said, putting down the box of ornaments beside the bounty with the rest of the extra boxes or decorations. “Explain?” Pale demanded.

Neuro sighed and turned to Pale.

“A dimension is a physical existence separated from all others by dimensional barriers. Usually requiring specific technology to move in or out of. A Realm is a political structure, is much the same as a nation or state. There can be more than one realm in a dimension but sometimes a realm encompasses and entire dimension, leading tot he confusion.” Neuro informed with a smile. “Yeah, thats about it” he finished. “Huh.” was all that ever came out of Pale's mouth.

Ash watched from a distance at Pale as he sat on the snowy ground. He sighed and thought, 'He probably likes Neuro' and stood up, helping the others carry the extra ornaments. Neuro, however, read his mind. He felt a bit uncomfortable when he did because well... He and Pale were.... Actually exes. It would be extremely awkward if they ever dated again. Neuro shuddered, Pale immediately noticing. “What's up, Neuro?” “Ash just thought you had a crush on me” “wHAT--” “Not so loud!” Neuro shushed the master of light. “Thats just weird! We're literally exes!” Pale protested. “Exactly!” then complete silence. No one spoke another word. The silence was too awkward for the two to stand in. “Wait... Why would Ash think that?” Pale realised, turning to Ash slightly. “I... Dont know if I should tell you or....” “Does he...?” Pale thought, blushing and feeling a bubble of hope inside him come up. “Okay! He... Does.” Neuro admitted, feeling like he was doing something treason. We all know Neuro and Ash are good friends. Pale stood there for just about a few seconds before he started to lean in closer to Neuro, pulling the master into a hug. Neuro smiled softly and hugged back, patting the other's back.

“Need help confessing?”

“Hehe... S-sure...”