~FASTSHADOW~ " I thought you hated me? "

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*Highschool AU
*Turner thinks Shade is bullying him but he iSNT
*Deluded ;

Believing something that is not true
Example ; That boy was very deluded of the legend about dragons

3rd Person POV :-

It was another day of school for everyone and of course as always, after a lONG holiday, you have to feel at least a bit tired and bored, even before school started. Turner, was an interesting fellow because he was always early everyday and many people mistaken him for a nerd who loves school and he sometimes gets bullied because of it and his mix matched eyes. Of course, Turner had friends such as Elijah (Pale) and Neuro. He had others but never tend to talk to them that much.

Anywho, back to the bullying part. Turner was always an oblivious and a deluded person and never really focus on his surroundings that much. He would usually daydream, looking outside from his classroom but somehow get good grades on tests. He was also a very creative person and liked to draw and sketch people's faces. That was a talent he kept to himself. He was.... Pansexual. He didnt mind being pan. His parents didnt mind. His friends didnt mind. So it was fine, right? Fine? No!! It was great! Were talking about someone who might have a chance with their crush. Someone also known as Shane “Shade” Lee. He was a total ass for everyone, especially towards his crush, Turner himself. He didnt know why he fell in love with the guy. He was just so.... Cute. He always made Shade's heart melt and it could never turn back into solid even after a week. More about Shade, he was a huge ass, by tripping people over before class starts and taking people's pocket money from lost and found and always claims it was his. He was a total dick. No one liked him. He had no friends and well... If he was honest with anyone, he was so lonely, that he had to do those things just to find ways to make him smile but... After a few weeks, it had bored him. It wad the only thing he ahd ever did his whole life.

Turner would actually return his feelings about Shade if he ever confessed but the only times he had seen him do it was in his dreams. He would always wonder when the day was ever going to come. When the day he could get to hold his hand and let him kiss him on the cheek, cuddling side by side while watching a romantic movie.

Who knew that that exact day....

Was today.....

Turner walked into the highschool building, seeing the halls were already crowded by people, chatting, playing their phones, or tripping others. It was all the usual and Turner never ever seemed to care much anymore as much as he did the first time. See, Shade is a year older than him. He didnt see this as much of a problem but.... Not being able to see him for a long while would be just heartbreaking. If he was still in school, and Shade was out for college and cant contact him, then whats the point?

Turner thinks about what would happen a lot and it always bothers him.

“ Yep, he has that bothered face, alright ” a voice that sounded like Elai said behind Turner as he put away his books into his locker. “ I told you ” another voice said, sounding like Neuro. “ You thinking about those possibilities again, Speedy? ” Elai sighed as he had already advised him not to. “ Oh, wait. Something else is on his mind. Seems like a person... Hmm.. It looks like... Shade? ” Neuro teased his friend with a smirk, making Turner laugh sarcastically. “ Ha, ha, very funny. Look, I get you can read minds, but just... Dont tease me ” Turner says, blushing like crazy. “ You know well he probably hates me. I mean, he bullies me! I dont have even the slightest chances ” Turner sighed softly, slowly closing and locking his locker, then turning to his friends, sketchbook at hand.

Speaking of the devil, here he comes. The almighty, Shade himself. He always comes up to me every morning and pin me ot my locker, mumbles some shit and then he leaves. Probably cursing on how ugly I am or something. “ Dont think that, Turner! ” Neuro exclaims, but I stay facing Shade, slowly coming up to me. His face seems red. He must really be mad about something and is probably going to hit me by relieving himself or something.

And I was right.

---After school---

Neuro's POV :-

“ You guys coming? ” Turner half shouts, his left hand cupped on the side of his lips to form a speaker. “ Yep! We got a project to do in Chemistry! We'll see ya tomorrow! ” Elai responded, making Turner put a thumbs up and leave. I look beside me to see Shade under a tree and walked up to him. He took notice of me so since I had hus attention, I asked,

“ Hey, do you happen to have a crush on my friend, Turner? ” his face turned slighty red and I took it as a yes but, “ N-no! I hate the gu---” he protests but his bullshit was wasting my time. “ Okay, I can read minds so dont even try to lie. Yeah, Im a freak like you alright ” I say, revealing the secret. He looked at me with a confused expression but then looked away. “ You know, you should really stop bullying him. He likes you back, you know? But hes losing that feeling. You dont want that to happen, dont you? ” Elai said behind me which actually made Shade feel bad about himself. “ He likes me back? ” I nod. A small smile creeps up to his face, making him tear up a bit. “ Okay.... Ill go tell him I like him and apologise tomorrow ” Shade sighs, picking up his bag and walking towards a navy blue car. “ Oh, he better apologise. Turner has really been through shit ” Elai mutters.
“ It was a lie ” I say, smirking, only to make Elai look at me in confusion just as Shade looked at me. “ What was a lie? ” “ The part that Turner is starting to lose feelings for him. That was a lie. His feelings for Shade has actually grown. I just said he was losing feelings about him just to encourage him ” I say, smiling as Elai said a short 'oooh' and smirked.I was actually excited on what was going to happen tomorrow.


3rd Person POV :-

Shade walked through the halls, everyone clearing out a path for him. He was nervous, to say the least. He didnt know what he would say or what would happen after. And after. He just took a deep breath and walked up to Turner. Turner, was neutral faced and had no expression. Or so Shade thought.

“ Can you come with me? We need to talk. In private ” Shade whispers into his ear, making Turner shrug and Shade took it as a yes since Turner followed behind him. The two went outside and under the tree that Shade had been under yesterday. Turner didnt know what was going on and he was also nervous but.... He had no idea why. “ Okay. So... Im not really good with words and I dont know how to put it in a way you wont freak out but... Im sorry for.... Bullying you. ” Shade breathed out, making Turner smile a bit. “ I forgive you ” Turner muttered, taking out a hand. Shade took his and shook it but before Turner could leave, Shade took him by his wrist. “ Wait. I wasnt done. ” now, Turner was afraid. What if this was some sort of trap? What if he lied about apologising? But.... What if its not?

“ I.... I like you. Like... 'In love with you' kind of like and maybe youd like to go out sometime? ” Shade muttered, trailing off at the end but Turner heard it all. He was flattered, surprised but yet, confused. He liked him? Shane Shade Lee liked him? Why? When?

Turner didnt protest. He just choked back hi tears and pulled Shade into a hug, yelling out 'yes'. Shade didnt know how to react. He wasn't expecting him to actually like him back after all hes done to him. He hurt him. Made him cry and yet, he still likes him. Shade didnt want to ask. It didnt seem like the right time so he hugged back and gave Turner a small kiss on his cheek, even if it was too early for kisses. Shade heard whistling and clapping from behind him and turned back to see Turner's two friends with Caprisuns and party hats. He didnt care and the hug lasted much longer than they thought.