~DISINTEGRATEDSMOKE~ " I thought you liked him? "

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*Ash x Pale cuz I thought it was a cute pairing so I experimented on it a bit and here we are
*Christmas AU
*Idk whos tops but lets say Pale is just to make my brain hurt by thinking
*Turner and Shade are number one matchmakers
*FastShadow, BrainFreeze and Kailor is included uwuwuwuwuwu
*After S9/10
*2 or 3 parts idk we'll see :/

3rd Person POV :-

Christmas Day. What a wonderful celebration. The ninja were out helping the city put up lights and christmas trees all aroun Ninjago, village to city, islands to mountains. Of course, it would take the whole Christmas day so instead of only them, they had decided to ask the elemental masters to help out. They were all put into separate groups, each with at least 2 elemental masters and one ninja such as,

Group Lloyd,

Group Kai

Group Cole

Group Jay

Group Zane

Group Nya

Now, this may ruin half of christmas for them all but they helped the city so theres a good reason. Though, the masters dont want to drag any sort of  attention so to avoid it, the ninja advised everyone in Ninjago to stay inside, close the windows and wait until theyve finished.

Group Zane, Kai and Lloyd worked together to put up banners, Group Nya and Jay helped to put up ornaments and fairylights for the Christmas tree, Group Cole helped to put up the tree since.... Super strength and nature?

There was only one small problem. They kept messing about. As much as the elemental masters were older than the ninja, it had a huge downside. Some of them are as childish as they were since they were 7 and not to judge but that was not much helpful at all. Its not that they kept cracking jokes, its that they, mostly Turner and Shade, liked to tease people about their crushes until they lose interest in that person or starts dating them. One of their targets were Pale, master of light, able to turn invisible. Pale liked..... Ash. Now, I know it seems a bit weird but who the fuxk cares. Pale didnt seem to mind his sexuality but he minded about Ash. No, absolutely nothing was wrong with him. Pale just wonders why he even likes him in the first place and where did these feelings come from and when? Since the tournament? After the tournament? During the age of The Sons of Garmadon? During the oni attack? After those occurances? During the broadcast in Borg's tower?

Who knows when. But whoever does have been a quite stalker.

Back to Pale, he didnt know whether he should just tell Ash about his feelings or forget about it. They werent even close friends. Theyve never had a real conversation with eachother and it was weird. Theyre not close, theyve never talked together, not even a single hello! How the heck was he supposed to know if he was even gay? Well, no Neuro this time to tell him.

“ Pale! ” Kai yelled from above, hovering in the air using his powers. “ Hurry up! Pass it to me! The sooner were done, the better! ” He said, pointing to the end banner he was holding. Pale nodded and  jumped, giving it to Kai, almost falling down as he landed back on the ground. He looked sideways at Skylor and she stared back with a smirk. “ So, Pale! Hows it going?? ” Turner teased from behind him. Pale groaned and turned back to face the other master.
“ Everything is fine, Griffin ” Pale spat, tired of everything. “ Awe, come on, Pale! Cant I ask a good friend how his day was? ” “ Griffin, the day hasn't even passed yet ” Pale muttered, picking up another end of a banner. “ Oof. You giving me the cold shoulder? ” Turner teased “ I can actually make you have one by breaking your shoulder and making it so swollen, youll need ice to make it cold ” the master of light spat back, more annoyed than ever. Turner put up his hands and took a step back.   “ Sheesh, okay. I was just asking ” Turner said then walked away to his boyfriend.

Pale felt relief for a while and sighed, calming down. He passed the end banner to Skylor and watched as she hovered up and put the end banner around a nail and tightening it together.

Heres another downside, if Ash was gay, he wouldnt even have the slightest chances with him. The chances are would be at least 0.000000000000001% and if they actually happened, it would be a miracle. Like a myth that was actually true. If Ash was gay, he would probably have a crush on Kai or Shade and basically anyone BUT him.


Ash stared off into space as he watched Pale help Skylor and Kai from a distance, thinking of what would happen if they actually talked for once. Ash knows Pale is gay but he doesnt know he himself is gay too. But Ash thinks just as Pale does, no chances in finding live in eachother. There are many more reasons why other than the fact they dont talk at all. For instance, when they pass eachother, they both are silent. No greetings, no good mornings, no waves, not even a short smile. Nothing. But Ash wishes they could just.... Talk. But with everything else they have in the way, they basically have no time to chat. Not even during the time they worked in Chen's factory together or when they celebrated the defeat of Chen. Everything is just so quiet between them like they have nothing to do with eachother. Or something is just trying to keep them away from eachother. All they know is that some people are actually helping pushing them together but whatever is pulling them apart is too strong.