~SMOKESHADE~ " You deserve better "

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Shade's POV :-

Me, Neuro, Turner, Jay and Pale were all thrown into some sort of noodle factory or something. Wheres Kai?? Oh, last we heard, he got the special treatment by Chen. Lucky son of a gun.

The guards took us each to a different job. Me and Turner had to lift up some boxes from a truck and move them into the factory. They werent heavy but at the same time, they were.

As I was unloading the truck, I saw a face I was much familiar with. What was his name?? Ash, right? He lost in the fourth fight with the red ninja, Kai. He was... A bit different. Did he do something with his hair? Why id my face heating up? Why does my heart keep skipping beats?? Unless.... I have a crush on hI--- HAHAHAHA NO THATS RIDICULOUS.

I look at him, amazed and dazzled by his beautiful face, his amazing eyes and he felt like he needed to be with him. I wanted to hold him. I wanted to stroke his soft cheeks. I wanted to kiss hi--

" Jesus, Shade, if you like the guy just go talk to him!!" " Turner, dont tell him!!" I look back to see Turner and Neuro. The two were arguing about something. " Uh.... Whats wrong??" I ask, hoping what I heard they say just now wasnt what I thought it was. " Neuro read your mind about Ash and told me." " TURNER!!" " What!? He needed to know!" I froze a bit and then look back at Ash who sat down, wiping away his sweat. Damn, thats hot. Fuck fuck fuck.

I heat up more and become tense about him. I hear Turner groan and shouted, " Come on, man!! Just tell him!"

I want to... I want to talk to him so bad but Im just too afraid. I want to go there and hug him from behind or put a small peck on his cheek or even carry him out of here. I didnt care no matter the consequences. I just wnat to be with him.

I sigh as I thought of the negative side of the thought. He might not actually like me. He might be disgusted and hate me if he found out I was gay.

I picked up another box from the truck and send in more, thinking of the bad side. I didnt know why I was. I was just.... Not feeling it all of the sudden. I just feel like hes too good for me. Like I dont deserve him. He doesnt deserve someone like me.... He deserves much better....