~FLASHTHUNDER~ " Zippy?? "

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*The ninja are being chased by fangirls
*Season 6 related
*Nya and Jay broke up im so sorry my Jaya shippers ;-; plz forgive meh I loaf Jaya too but its for thevsake of this ship
*Remember the hospital visting scene and Nelson? Yeah, they meet there

3rd Person POV :-

The ninja set course to the hospital, regardless of Clouse being out in the open and is probably about to be causing some type of trouble.

“ Thanks for coming, ninja! Im your biggest fan... ” Nelson exclaimed in excitement as soon as he saw the ninja walk in. “ Its no problem, Nelson! But were in a hurry so we cant really stay for long ” Lloyd said. “ Its okay, I understand! Im just glad you came ” Nelson replied in understanding. Cole decided to show them how to exercise, even if youre in a wheelchair. Jay was distracted by his gut telling him that someone he knew was there. He had that feeling of like someone he knew was in the building. Jay didnt know why. Curiosity took over him and walk out of the room. He looked to his left, nothing. He looked to the right and see a hamper outside a room. He walked towards the room and peeked in to see five young adults and some kids. One of the young adults was wearing a bright yellow sweater and navy blue jeans. Another one was wearing a black shirt and jeans. Another was wearing a red collar shirt with a long sleeved white shirt inside and a light brown fedora with light blue jeans. The other was wearing a grey and white shirt and black jeans and the last one wore a white hoodie with red stripes going down the side sleeves and jeans.

Jay felt like something was very familiar with the five people. Like he recognized them somwhere long ago. Their hair.... Black and white.... Grey.... Ginger.... Black.... No.... No way....

The blue ninja pushed the door open without hesitation, catching the five's attention. They turned around to meet gaze with Jay. Their eyes widen and Jay was surprised to see the five elemental masters he hasnt seen for 2 years. “ No. Way... NEURO? SHADE? PALE! ASH!! And... ” Jay trailed off, staring at
“ ZIPPY!!! ” The ninja smiled widely and ran up to him, hugging him tight. “ Jay!? What are you doing here!? ” Turner exclaims, hugging back and smiling.

“ The real question is, what are YOU guys doing here? ” Jay said, letting go of Turner and change his sight to Pale.
“ We started a small donation plan to every hospital in Ninjago for the poor people's funds. We decided to do this after losing all our jobs and we had no idea what to do. This was our only option. Not just for money but also for the lives of people ” Pale explained, frowning and resting his hand on one of the kids' head. “ Hey, arent you Jay? The lightning ninja? ” one of the kids questioned Jay, walking up to him and tugging his suit. Jay smiled and knelt down the kid's height and said, “ well, yes I am, kiddo! And who are you? ”

“ I-Im Sam! Its an honour to meet you, sir! ” the kid named Sam stuttered, taking out his hand. Jay chuckled and shook his hand and ruffled his hair. “ Oh! I drew a picture of you and everyone else! ” Sam said, running to his bag and taking out a sketchbook and ran back to Jay. He opened a certain page and showed it to him. Jay's eyes sparkled when he saw him and the rest of the ninja and.... The other elemental masters? How does this kid know about.... “ Hey, is that me? ” Ash noticed the drawing of him next to Shade and Pale. “ And is that me? ” Pale asked, kneeling down to the sketchbook and saw the drawing of him. “ How do you know them? ” Jay finally asked. Sam smirked and shrugged.

“ Jay!? We have to go! Where are you!? Jay!! ” a voice boomed from the hallway, sounding like Lloyd. “ Oh, you guys have to go? ” Turner questioned the ninja and Jay nodded. “ Well, we were just about to leave anyways. We can follow you? ” Neuro added. Jay thought for a moment before poking his head out to the hallway and called for the rest. “ Theres no time! ” “ But some of the elemental masters are here and theyre asking to follow us! ”

Kai raised an eyebrow and quickly ran up to Jay and into the room. “ Shade! ” he cried out and ran to the master of shadow, pinning him down and hugging him. “ Hey, nice to see ya too ” he sighed, hugging Kai back. Lloyd rushed to teh outside of the room with a panicked face and yelled, “ We dont have time for this! Theyre gonna catch us! We. Need. To. GO! Also, its nice seeing you guys, we dont mind you following us but hurry up please! ” he rushed away, Kai, Jay and the five masters following behind. Little did they know, Sam followed behind them in secret with his sketchbook and bag. They stopped beside Nelson who put on a purple mask and said, “ Okay, follow me! Also, hi Sam! ” Nelson greeted, making everyone surprised and Sam waving. “ Okay, we have no time, the kids are coming with us. That includes Nelson and Sam ” Jay suggested making Lloyd groan and say a small 'fine' before following Nelson into a room that had stairs that lead up to the roof. “ We have to find something to block the door! ” Nelson exclaimed. Same looked around and took some bricks form a corner and used it to block the door. “ Okay... That was kind of a coincidence. ” Cole muttered, running up the stairs and bringing Nelson with him.

They reached the roof and hid jumped onto the Bounty and set course to the old monastery, just to escape their fans. Lloyd sighed in relief, sitting down on the side of the bounty. “ Tired? ” Zane asked, making Lloyd nod. “ You can rest for a bit, Lloyd. Im going to prepare us all lunch ” Zane said then walking away.

Nelson and Sam explored the rest of the bounty, Turner and Jay raking care of them and making sure they dont do anything stupid. “ So.... Howve you and Neuro been? ” Jay started. “ We broke up. ” Turner responded with a neutral face. “ Oh... Sorry... ” “ Nah, its fine, you didnt know. But its okay. We decided to just stay friends mainly because we both didnt feel it. And we both liked someone else... ” silence filled the air. All the sound around them became a blur. Turner started to speak up again, “ You wanna know who? ” he smiled, Jay turning his head to meet with Turner and a bubble of hope came into Jay. He...

“ I like you ” Turner muttered, turning away and blushed.


Jay Walker.

He liked Jay Walker.


How did Jay feel when he heard this?

Did Sam and Nelson hear this?

1. Jay felt disbelief like this was just a dream and pinched himself. But honestly? He felt relief. He... Liked Turner since... The tournament and still has till this day.

2. No, they were too caught up with their conversation

“ But you and Nya are dating so.... Sorry.... I shouldnt have told you, I-- ”
“ No, no, no. Its okay.... I... I like you too ” “ What? But Nya-- ” “ We broke up too a couple months ago... ” “ Oh... Im so sorry, Jay. ” “ Its okay. Because I finally have a chance with you ”

Jay stopped walking and turned to face Turner and smiled. He put his arm around Turner's neck and pulled him into a kiss, making Turner jolt but soon melted into the kiss. Turner put his hands on Jay's cheeks and made his way to Jay's  waist, pulling him in a bit more. The two slowly pulled away and looked at eachother then blushed and laugh and rested their foreheads on eachother's , catching everyone else's attention on the bounty. But who cares? Theyre together. Thats all.


Sam was me, the author.