~FEVERSHIPPING~ " A girl I wanna be with "

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*REQUEST* (Ninja_Puppet)
*No, not transgender. Just genderbent. Sorry if I sounded offensive
*Neuro's feminine name is Neurala (I did a terrible job)
*Neuro doesnt seem to care much about the ninja as much as other fangirls do but--

Kai's POV :-

“ AW, COME ON! ” “ AHAHA! ”

“ Heheh. You guys have been at it for a while. Wanna come with me and get some food? ” I laugh at Lloyd and Jay as Lloyd was slowly losing Smash Bros. Jay slightly looks back at me with a sly grin. “ Nah. Im enjoying beating up Lloyd too much ” he says, turning back to the screen. “ I would LOVE to but I wanna beat Jay at least... Once! ” Lloyd groans as his character falls off the edge. I nod and walk out and down to the sleeping quarters and into my room, changing into a red and black polo shirt and jeans. I fix my hair and go out to the docks. We were up pretty high but.... I think I can make it with my powers.

I jump off and start free falling. As soon as I was nearly on the ground, I use my powers to stop me from falling, floating in mid air, only a couple inches off the ground. I turn off my powers, dropping with a slight thud and on one knee.

I then hear a distant scream of girl. Oh God, its them. The f a n g i r l s. Dont get me wrong, I love my fans, I really really do. But theres just a bit of a problem. They think Im tryna hit on them. Sometimes they even lie about me being their boyfriend and I get non stop emails about it. Its getting really annoying. Anyways, back to my problem. I sigh and start running away as fast as I could. I didnt know where to go so I just went into a random shop that sold..... Books? Wait, no. This is a library.

Its.... Really peaceful in here.

Its quiet.

Im surprised no one followed me in here, really.

While Im here, I might as well just look at some books for a change of watching too much TV.

I sigh, going to a random shelf to see many books about dragons and history about Ninjago. I dont really need to read any of these. I go to a different shelf and now its about art and culture. Interesting for some reason. I let my fingertips slide against the spines of the books as I carefully read the titles. One had caught my attention though. It had all the initial colours of me and the rest of the gang. It had no title though. This was certainly a mystery--

I look up at the place I found the book, only to meet with black shining eyes and white hair with a black stripe. Ho. Ly. Shit. Shes so.... Beautiful! What. Oh my.... Shes just so.... Wow. I dont know her but maybe she knows me? I clear my throat, getting her attention but she didnt seem to care much. She looked up like how any other normal person would. But shes a girl.... “ You do know that just because there are girls that exist in this world, doesnt mean they all love you ” she spoke up and wow, that voice. Wait... Did I say that out loud? I look at her face and she seemed panicked but sighed.
“ Y-yeah. You said it out loud ” I smile.
“ So..... You probably know me. Whats your name? ” I ask the beautiful stranger with a smile. “ Neurala Pathis. Kai Smith, the red ninja? ” she looks down with a smirk. “ Yep! ” “ Whats a fellow like you and your attitude followed by your massive ego doing in a library? ” “ Ouch ” I smirked and chuxkled a bit. It was funny, you cnat disagree. I heard her chuckle too and saw her take a book out that had a grey cover and goddamn, is her chuckle adorable as fuck?

I feel my face heat up. I cover my face and rubbed my eyes. I sigh softly and walk to the same spot she was, my hands in my pocket. “ Neurala, huh? ” I ask, followed by her nodding. “ Nice name and great its great to meet you ”
“ Really? Me? ” she joked, making me nof and smile widely. “ Alright then. Its nicr to meet you too, Kai ”