~RONINXDARETH~ " Forgive me?? "

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*Highschool AU
*Jocky Ronin and Nerdy Dareth
*No one has powers srry

3rd Person POV :-

It was a new year for everyone. It was 2019. Many ahve changed and some have just stayed the same. One or few of the many were Ronin and Dareth. Ronin was known for bullying, stealing others' pocket money and even graffiti on the bathroom walls. Dareth was a complete polar opposite of the jock ; a precious adorable innocent nerd. Dareth was a student with a B+ as an average. He was smart, funny, always helps people in need and are a BIG fan of the so-called ninja gang. They were the reason why Dareth acted in such a humble, brave way he does now. He was actually a very close friend of one of the ninja too. Zane.

Whenever Dareth ever hung out with anyone, Ronin would feel a hint of jealousy in him. So he tried to keep it in himself before Morro or (what they call him) Soul Archer found out his little crush on the cute nerd. When Dareth was ever near him, he would
punch him and run off. Dareth, even though it hurts, still approaches the other even if he hates him. He never hated Ronin for anything and would think that maybe Morro and his friend is forcing him to do this. Be like this.

Dareth took a liking to the jock and try to talk to him sometimes during recess or P.E or something. If not, then before class starts and after it ends but usually ends up getting punched. The so-called ninja always told him to never even try to talk to him but.... He never wanted to listen. He sees good in everyone. Even Ronin.

The ninja, even though its getting out of hand, never wanted to stop him physically from approaching the jock. Mainly because Wu told them not to get involved. Of course, they didnt understand why not but they listen to him.

Dareth decided that one day, he would finally stop trying to talk to him. He feels like he sees him as... Annoying or something like that. So, he shuts him out of his mind. Ronin realises that and feels depressed and guilt towards the boy. For punching him when he comes anywhere near him, insult him and even stealing his pocket money. He tries hard to slowly get him to notice that he was sorry but nothing worked as he thought would. He decided some day, he would apologise about everything and confess. That day.... Was today. And man, was Ronin a nervous wreck?


The jock approached Dareth as he saw him sit on a bench, finishing his science project he had. The other noticed Ronin coming over and gulped, hoping he wouldnt hurt him and he didnt. After a few seconds, Dareth looked to see Ronin sitting next to him. His heart skipped a beat when he saw his face. He blushed and looked back at his project to finish it as Ronin looked at him with a neutral face. The jock smiled and put a hand on the shorter's shoulder which made Dareth jump a bit. Ronin laughed softly and said, " Hey. Dont be so scared, Dare. Its just me " " The person who always hits me when I try to even talk to you? " the shorter glanced up over at the jock, whose smile turned into a bit of a frown. " Y-yeah... " he pulled away his hand and looked off into the distance and saw some cars start and leave. " What do you want from me now? " Dareth asked, sounding annoyed and kind of scared. " I wanted to say I was sorry "

Dareth froze his hand, the x-acto knife he held hovered over the long sprite bottle. He looked up at the other and raised an eyebrow, a bit of hope bubbling inside him.

" What? " Ronin let out a laugh which made Dareth blush in embarrassment. " Are ya deaf or somethin? I said Im sorry " the smaller looked away and muttered, " Its fine.... " but it was loud enough that Ronin could hear him. " And I like you "

Dareth's eyes widen in confusion and snapped his head back towards the other, still smiling and hand a small blush. Honestly, Ronin was dying inside. He wanted to facepalm himself so bad for being so awkward at a terrible time. He hated this. He wished he never even said anything in the first place. He looked away and Dareth thought for a moment. Maybe thats why he didnt want him to be near the jock. Because he refused to accept his feelings. Maybe.... Maybe he wont reject after all. Dareth took a deep breath and said, " I-I like you too..... " and looked away instantly, turning into a blushing mess like Ronin's closet.

The jock skipped another heart beat and slowly turned back at Dareth. " Im really really sorry... Forgive me? " and hugged the smaller from behind which made Dareth freak and feel flustered but he soon just sighed. He smiled. " Sure. I forgive you "