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*REQUEST* (sorry it took so long!!)
*Theyre in 7th grade (12 yrs old) and are playing tag just to relive their childhood moments before they become teens
*They have powers, yes
*Ash and Camille are just crushing on eachother, jfc theyre 12.
*Other masters that are included ;
*The rest went back home early soooo..... Ye

Ash's POV :-

“ TAG!! ”

“ Hey, thats cheating, Turner! ”

“ Nu-uh! You didnt say there were any rules in this game! ”

I groan and start chasing after Camille. There were a bunch of us before but they all went back home. I mean, if youre not counting Neuro in. He never plays with us and says its a bit too childish and that we should be studying. Yeah, okay, he has a point. But come on! Youve gotta have some fun at some point of your life! “ You know, Ash, you really dont need to think about that. You can just say it out loud ” I hear Neuro state, followed by a flipping page of his book. I shrug it off and keep chasing after Camille when all of the sudden, she disappeared in a crowd of seniors. “ Camille! Thats ALSO cheating! ” I call. “ No it isnt! Its like what Turner said, 'no rules' ” she giggled, trailing off. I huff and smirk, running into the crowd and slowly and thoroughly looked around the crowd to find her. She is playing hard to get. I like it....

I spot a bit of spark at the corner of my eye and turn to see someone changing forms as someone else. Thats gotta be her!

I run up to the person and pat her back then said, “ Tag! ” then disappeared into smoke. I watch as she transformed back to herself and run out of the croud, laughing and immediately chasing after Skylar. Damn, she looks so--

“ AHH! ” I panic, transforming back to my own self and falling down. As high as I was, it didnt seem to hurt much but I grunted when I got up anyways. I gave a nervous chuckle as my friends run up to me. “ Well, now lets... Not use our powers next time. ” I suggested, lightening up the mood and making the others laugh. I laugh along, getting up slowly with Gravis' help. “ Oh, hey, I gotta go back. I see my dad's car. See you guys! ” Camille stated, running off to her dark violet bag and picking it up, then running to her car. I feel a slight pat on my back and turn to see Turner with a smirk and his glasses off. Oh shit. “ Well whaddya know? A pretty girl like her, and a handsome ass boy like you, go perfectly well together. ” he teased. I saw it coming. He always does this whenever she leaves. I punched his shoulder, making him whine a bit and laugh, Gravis, Skylar and Neuro joining in. I walk to a bench near my bag and sat down, watching as her car drives away. “ Hey, im not kidding! When are ya gonna tell her, dude? ” Turner said, sitting next to me. “ Come on, man. Give me some space here! ” I protested jokingly. “ Nope. Not until you promise to tell her! ” Gravis joins in. “ Exactly! ” Neuro says too.
“ Awe, Neuro, you too!? ” I groan and he shrugged, also sitting next to me. “ Yeah, theyre right. As much as I want to tell you to give Camille some space that she needs and deserves, you really need to tell her sooner or later ” Skylar says, leaning against a pole with her hands in her front jean pockets. “ Or she might fall in love with some other hot ass boy ” Turner teased again. Argh, I hate it when hes right!

“ Okay, okay, fine! You guys wnat me to tell her so bad!? Fine! Ill do it.... Next year, bye bye! ” I quickly say, taking my bag and turning into smoke and reappearing in front of my mom's car, letting myself in and then closing the door shut. I sigh in relief and blush. Maybe I should tell her before its too late.....


“ Okay guys, he left! ” Neuro calls.

The other masters were all hiding in all sorts of different places and has been there since they.... Quote on quote, left. Shade hid in the shadows, (duh) Pale went invisable, (dUH) Tox and Jacob hid with Pale, Karlof was on the roof,  Bolobo on a tree.

“ How did you not make one sound? ” Shade questioned the master of metal, making him shrug and smile.