~ASHES~ " Announcement to Ninjago "

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•PART 2•

3rd Person's POV :-

“ ASH! KAI! ” a voice called behind the couple. The two looked back at the doorway, seeing Skylar, all stressed out.

“ Lloyd told me to come get you guys. The announcement is gonna start soon. Remember your lines and what you need to say ” she finished mentioning them and walked off. Ash and Kai got off the couch and followed behind her. They went into the deck and see Karlof, Cole, Neuro, Pale and Lloyd, either talking, sparing or eating. Well... Eating was only available for Cole so....

“ Has anyone seen Shade lately? ” Ash asked, able to catch everyone's attention. They all answered but no one knew where he was. They hadnt heard from him since they were all declared ninja.

“ Is... Everything okay, Ash? ” Kai asked his boyfriend, worried. Ash nodded and replied, “ Its Shade... Im worried about him. I havent seen him since us elemental masters were declared ninja. Which was at least 5 years ago when we started dating. ” he finished and sighed heavily. “ I just hope he heard about this and the announcement and maybe would even stop by to say a quick hello. ” Ash added, opening his phone and clicked onto a picture of Shade and him on Chen's island.

Kai put a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder and said, “ Its okay, babe. He will come. ” “ What if he doesnt? ” “...”

At the same time Ash responded, he got a message.... From Shade! Saying that he.... Cant... Come... He cant come for the announcement. God, Ash was getting excited when he saw his name pop up on the message board too. But his confidence was too over the line.

The master of smoke felt tears forming in his eyes and his face losing its liveliness, all dark instead of pale and he felt.... Depressed. So... So... Lost.... He didnt know what to do. Shade was his best friend ever since the tournament and no one else could replace him! He was a one in a million friend. They were close friends, almost like brothers. Turner used to joke about it.

Tears, tears and finally, tears... (heAThEr, hEaTHer and HEatHer) He felt nothing else.

“ Ash... Are you... Crying?? ” Lloyd asked the master in a worried tone. Ash nodded and walked back inside and into his own room he was supposed to share with Shade. Nothing else but Shade was in his head. Just his old best friend, Shade. His one and only best friend, Shade. Ash sighed, heartbroken because he hasnt seen him in 5 fucking years and he wanted to see him. Even if it would take him another 5 years to wait just to find him. Hed give the world to find him, hug him, talk to him. Just... Anything. Even if its just a pat on the back or a hand shake or just a smile and... Thats really how it goes. He would sacrifice every second he has with him. Go back in time, even.

Someone knokced on the door of the room as Ash wiped his tears and looked back to see Neuro and Turner standing outside the door of his room. Another few soft knocks to Ash's ears were added. He got up and slowly walked over, opening the door slightly and walked back to his bed and sat at the edge. Turner and Neuro walked in, opening the door more widely for them to come in.

“ Ash, you okay, dude? ” Turner asked his friend, sitting next to him. “ This is about Shade, isnt it? ” Neuro then asked, also sitting beside him. Ash began to cover his face and cried, almost wanting to scream.

“ Woah, woah, woah, woah!! Ash, calm down... He didnt mean it like that. I mean, is this about Shade? I mean.... It could be! We dont kno-- ”

“ Turner, he is literally muttering Shade's name as he is crying. ” Neuro interuppted. Turner sighed and muttered, “ I know. ”Ash stopped and took a second to breathe. “ Come on, Ash. You dont wanna make an announcement with a face like that. No offense but you really look like youve been crying for a week ” Turner said, trying (but failing) to reassure him. Ash sighed, knowing he was right. “ Hes not coming.... ” the master of smoke says, disappointed at that fact. “ How do you know? ” Neuro asked with a smile. “ He told me... On the phone... ” he responds, his voice cracking and showed them the message. The two snickered, nodded and walked away.

Ash didnt know why they would laugh and usually they would help him move on but this time... It was as if they were.... No. He cant think about that. He already has Shade in mind and he doesnt need another two to put in it. All he needs to do right now is get ready for the announcement and thats it. Then everything is done. He can take care of his Shade problem and his Neuro and Turner problem later. He needs to think about his boyfriend first.