~GARMALOUSE~ " Inseparable "

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•PART 2•

3rd Person POV :-

Garmadon sat and watched as Clouse fought the other students in bore and yawned. For a brief moment, the world seemed still. The only things that were moving was him, Clouse and the student he was fighting with. Garmadon blushed as he watched him fight the other student.

'W-wow. When did he become more.... Cute??'

The spinjitzu master thought, raising an eyebrow and slowly watching him fight, and was obviously going to win anyways. His eyes narrowed a bit, making it a bit clear of what he wanted... Needed... To see. Clouse just got more fierce since yesterday and Garmadon liked it. He didnt know why but.... He liked it anyway. The way he memorised the skills as Chen taught them, the way he moves so smoothly, the way he dodges so quickly, the way his tied hair blows in the wind just.... Wow. The definition of Clouse is just.... Amazing, wow, beautiful, cute. Garmadon found it funny that he felt this way about his bestest friend. It happened exactly the same with his brother and Misako. Come to think of it, hes actually almost forgotten about her. Its like she wasnt even there and that she was replaced with Clouse in Garmadon's mind. Hes never felt this way towards amother guy before so he felt a bit awkward.

“ Ah, I see you like Clouse ” the spinjitzu master jumped and turned to see his sensei, Chen, sipping tea and was smirking smugly at the boy. “ I have no idea what you are talking about, master ” Garmadon scoffs, looking away. “ Come on, now, Garmadon. I know you have some feelings for him that youd like to express. Go ahead ” “ What!? No way. Wait, how did you know?? ” Garmdon was flustered but looked back at his sensei.

“ Oh, it was super obvious. The eyes, the smiling, the leaning-- ” “ Really? ” Chen gave Garmadon a small 'hm' before drinking his tea again. He made that 'sorry not sorry' face but Garmadon couldnt tell so Chen pushed the spinjitzu master into the crowd of fighting students and fortunately for Chen, Garmadon fell right on top of Clouse. Unfortunately for Garmadon and Clouse, it was awkward since they were both friends and man, were their faces just centimeters apart from eachother?
Clouse's face darkened and pushed the other away. “ Get off me! ” he yelled which made the students gasp in shock and confusion. Chen? Oh, he went back inside to get more tea and dont give no shiz.

Garmadon landed on his right arm, which had a small weak spot somewhere there. It hit right on it which made Garmadon shriek in pain. Clouse's eyes widen at what he had done and nearly teared up. He ran away before he could do anything that would make it worse.


It was nught time and Clouse sat alone, leaning against a tree, dried tears and red puffy eyes on his face. He hugged his knee in comfort thinking how to get back without anyone questioning him on why he pushed Garmadon, his only best friend. Its unusual for him to do that for a person he cares about most in the monestary. The one he helplessly feel in love with. Yes, the guy has some feelings for him but he never thought rage would be one of them. He knew he had a crush on him and when he fell below him, he actually wanted him to stay there longer but to not let attention go through, he pushed him away even if he never wanted to. So, he ran away into the woods where he should be safe.

“ CLOUSE!! ” He heard a voice yell, which sounded like Garmadon. Clouse panicked and got up to leave but before he could even move, Garmadon took him by the hand and stopped him from running away. “ Clouse, dont run away from me. Look, I know you probably hate me but we have to go back ” Clouse froze an didnt know what to say. He just nodded.

Garmadon let go of his hand and Clouse followed as they walked back in silence. The wind blowing in the air gets much colder and stronger. Garmadon took it as a sign that Morro was secretly training at night.

“ Clouse.... Do you.... Hate me? For winning yesterday? ” Garmadon asked, a bit sad. Clouse glanced over at him. Yes, he was but... He couldnt. “ Y-yes... ” Garmadon looked away and sighed. “ Im sorry. We both know that only one can remain ” Clouse nods and looks down as he walked. “ But I like you.... ” the master of dark arts muttered under his voice but little did Clouse know, Garmadon heard him clearly. “ I.... Like you too ” he responded, blushing a bit.

Clouse turned to Garmadon and raised an eyebrow. “ What? ” he blushed. “ I like you too.. ” Clouse froze and stopped walking and so did Garmadon. “ You heard that? ” Clouse asked, embarrassed he said it out loud.

“ But thats okay, right? Cuz now I know you like me back and.... Now I can do this ” Garmadon smirked as he said it. Clouse was confused. “ Do w- ” before Clouse could finish his sentence, he was pulled into Garmdon's soft lips and his kiss. Clouse jumped but didnt protest against it. He kissed back, still surprised at his friend's sudden action. He didnt know what told him to do it but he put his arms around the taller's neck which made Garmadon hold onto Clouse's waists. It didnt last long though. They both pulled away and stared into eachother's eyes. They both smiled and blushed. “ Go on a date with me? ” Clouse almost teared up but nodded anyways. He hugged his ex-friend tight.

“ Yes... ”