~OTPSANDBROTPS~ " An accidental elemental meetup"

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*some ships AND friendships
*heres a list of ships ;
-Thinkfast (dUH)
-Invisablesmokshade (Pale x Ash x Shade)
*they have a meetup at Master Che-- Skylar's restaurant
*this is just some random talking and loving
*they havent seen eachother for... 2 years, I guess.
*Im turning this into a series/commercial kind of thing for the book. Its just for fun

~Episode 1~

3rd Person POV :-

Masters. Elemental masters. Powerful, courageous, fearless masters of Ninjago but yet, the citizens dont know who. The ninja had mentioned them, but not specifically who they were. No one knows who they are or what they look like. They only know their powers and... That was fine for them. They dont need attention and they dont seek for it at all. They dont mind that the ninja dont give much credit to them. They dont mind having to still be called the freaks of Ninjago in the streets. They dont mind it at all. Some nicknames were cruel such as 'Freak-eyes' or 'No body, Nobody'. They would understand if it meant having Ninjago a much safer place but it never could be.

The masters all walked, ran or flew their way to Skylar's noodlehouse, no one actually knowing the others would be there too. All of them walked in, one by one, every 8 minutes or so. Little did they know, they all sat in a booth right next to eachother. Skylar wasnt there at the time so basically not all of them were available that afternoon.

The realising and noticing first started with Pale.


Thw master of light ate his noodles as he scrolled down his Twitter account when all of the sudden at the corner of his eyes, he spotted a man with black, slick back hair. This usually doesnt bother him at all but.... It made him feel like he... Recognized him?

Pale didnt think of it that much at first, thinking it was just his mind playing tricks on him. It couldnt be.... Shade, could it? The same Shade from the tournament?

Pale wondered, his mind full of questions and thoughts that it could be him. Maybe it is. Maybe it isnt. In the end, Pale got up from his seat and went up to the man, his eyes widening at him. By golly, it was him! Shade didnt notice the other master. He was busy eating and day dreaming at the same time. His thoughts were pulled out by Pale, when he said, “ Well, well, well, if it isnt the master of shadow himself! ” Pale sat down in front of him. The master of shadow looked up to see Pale, resting his hand on his cheek. He thinks.... But anyway, he was in full shock. “ P-pale?? What are you doing here!? ” Shade exclaimed, smiling and was surprised to see him. After all, it had been 2 years since the tournament. “ You look... Different! ” “ Yeah, I thought I would change my style a bit ” Pale chuckled and looked around, a flash of white and black hair caught his sight at a booth in front.

Pale tapped on the other's shoulder, making him hum. “ I spy with my little eye, a master of mind behind you ” Pale said with a smirk. Shade raised an eyebrow and looked back, seeing the one and only Neuro Pathis from the tournament, 2 years ago. Shade turned back at Pale and gave him a smirk, then turned back to Neuro. He whistled and said, “ My, my, master of mind. I thought you would be hanging out at a cafe in a library or something. Instead, youre in a noodle house, reading away with your noodle bowl, finished and empty with leftover prawns ”

Neuro jolted and looked back slightly to meet gaze with an old friend and smiled “ Shade! You havent changed at all. I havent seen you-- ” “ --since the tournament? ” Pale butted in. Neuro's smile grew wider as he saw the other elemental master.

“ What is this, a meetup like how Chen gave us that letter to the tournament? ” a voice said from the next booth. “ Whats up, Shady? Pale! My man. N-neuro! ” the master of speed exclaimed. “ Like Turner said, is this a meetup? Or a setup? ” the master of smokes says from another booth. “ Oh, come on! Its just probably a coincidence were here ” the master of poison hissed jokingly, walking up towards the crowd of masters. “ Maybe ” a master of thorns say, smirking while taking a sip from her green tea. “ I havent seen you guys in ages! Not... Literally... ” the master of sound said, smiling and put his hands on his hips, standing between Pale and Shade. “ Hey, maybe this is a coincidence. Who knows? ” a master of gravity muttered behind them all. “ Karlof didnt know you all were here! ” the master of metal joined in. “ Huh. I thought something was really familiar with the crowd ” the master of nature walked up to the others.

“ Okay, were all here! Just... Skylar isnt. Anyone know where she is or have her in your contacts? ” Turner asked, everyone saying no. “ Looking for me? ” the voice of the master of amber said, coming into the noodle house. “ Wow! Youre all here. What are you doing here? Having a secret elemental masters meetup without me? ” she said, acting offended and a bit dramatic. “ Actually, accidental secret elemental masters meetup ” Ash corrected, then turned to Shade. Pale did the same. “ What? ” Shade asked, confused at why the two was staring at him.

Neuro, obviously knew why and smirked. He leaned towards Turner and whispered to him about it, making Turner have a sinister smirk appear on his face. The master of speed put his arm around Pale while Neuro did the same with Ash. There was a small silence before Jacob broke it saying, “ Alright, since were all here and talking about an elemental meetup, might as well have one. This is a first and lets call this one the.... Accidental Elemental Masters Meetup ” the short master of sound suggested.      “ I like that ” Skylar responds and walks away, then comes back with a notebook and a pen, writting something down.

“ Why dont we have this every Wednesday and Sunday? ” the master of amber says, smiling. “ Yeah, sounds good to me ” Shade says, agreeing and so did the rest.