~VIOLETPOISON~ " Theyre playing matchmaker on us "

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*After the tournament and theyre celebrating in the ninja's bounty
*Invisableshadow ships them like FedEX and helps Tox get an invitation to Camille's heart
*Ninja EMS
*Visible Pale cuz its hard doing expressions with him invisable
*2 parts

•PART 1•

3rd Person POV :-

Everyone sighed in relief, knowing that everything was now fine. Chen and his army were taken away with the anacondrai generals to the cursed realm and Ninjago was peaceful once again. The ninja wanted to celebrate their new friendships and for helping them save the world by announcing them openly as the newest latest ninja in Ninjago but first, they had to celebrate upon victory. They all got on the ninja's bounty with Zane, Karloff and Neuro as the cooks while the others have time to chat on what they were going to do after all this.

Speaking of chatting, Camille and Tox were a pair that were insperable and they became close friends ever since. Shade, who was apparently Tox's ex boyfriend, (until they had an argument one day about Shade being gay,) had also made up with eachother and became close again. The two didnt talk much but Shade could tell she was hiding something from him.

Shade suspected she had a crush on someone, judging by the fact that she kept blushing and looking away and acting all giddy and such. Ever since she met.... Camille...

The master of shadow figured she had a crush on Camille. This was a bit awkward for both of them since Tox used to be homophobic and Shade was literally gay. Shade didnt want to protest so he went up to his boyfriend, Pale, who was talking to his close friends. “ Babe, I think Tox likes Camille ” Pale turned to see Shade and hummed. “ Well, I mean... I can see them together and Tox has been acting weird around Camille lately ” Pale said, also suspecting the long time ago, homophobic woman, that fell in love with another woman and he believed that it could be true.

“ Matchmaker? ” Shade asked, glancing at Tox, then Camille. Pale smirked and nodded. “ Matchmaker. ”


Zane, Karloff and Neuro had finished cooking and wow, did the food smell good? Since there wasnt enough space on the table, some had to sit on their lover's lap such as Shade on Pale's, Neuro on Turner's, Nya on Jay's, cake on Cole's and Skylar on Kai's. Tox was a bit depressed when they did this since she wanted to be with Camille.

By the time she had thought of this, Neuro would have probably read her mind by now but he shrugged it off, not wanting to be apart of it since Shade and Pale were already in.


When they finished their meals, Pale and Shade took Tox's hand and pulled her towards the deck. “ What the heck, guys? ” she said, sounding pissed. “ You like Camille, dont you? ” Pale started, making Tox jolt and blush, looking away. “ What the hell are you guys talking about? You guys high or something? ” she protested against the truth. The two lovers raised their eyebrows at Tox's lie which might I add, her lies are terrible.

“ Okay, okay. Maybe I do like her in some way I did with you, Shade. ” Tox sighed in defeat, scratching the back of her neck. “ Just.. Dont tell anyone else about this, okay? ” “ We can help you get her to ask you out ” Shade suggested before Tox was about to walk away. She turned back at the two and her eyes lit up. “ Really!? But... How?? ” she asked. “ Leave it to the matchmakers ” Shade responded and smiled at Tox. “ but first, 20 bucks. ” Pale said jokingly, taking out his hand. Tox raised an eyebrow and frowned. “ Im just kidding! But yeah, we can get Camille to ask you out ” Tox sighed in relief since she hadnt brought any cash with her and smiled again, walking towards the two and hugging them. “ Thanks, you guys ” she muttered and let go.