~THINKFAST~ " This was a bad idea. Im sorry... "

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*During the tournament
*They all were being thrown into the factory
*Turner feels like hes at fault because he dragged Neuro into the mess

3rd Person's POV :-

Turner, the master of speed, and his boyfriend, Neuro, master of mind, were gradually being pulled by a guard of Chen's with chains. How did they end up in this mess? Right. It was because of Turner and his amazing trick to get people into doing things with him. Neuro was one of the few and actually never minded it after he understood why he did all this to them. It was because---


“ Maybe this wasnt a good idea afterall.... Im sorry, Neuro. For... Getting you into doing this, I mean. ” Neuro didnt respond. He was still mad at his lover, even if he had apologised countless and numerous times. The master of mind looked anywhere but his face and felt the urge to cry. But he couldnt. They would see how truly weak he was inside and how tired he was after fights.

They were then unchained to the guard and were let into the factory to do different jobs with different people. Since Kai wasnt there, they were all down to an odd number which meant one of them would have to work double shifts. That unlucky person was Turner. Honestly, Turner didnt mind this. He knew he deserved it after getting his boyfriend's powers taken and be a slave. He was like a slave himself. An obedient one, too. Afterall, he had nothing else to lose and he was tired. So tired. He wanted to cry but he stayed emotionless and he was always at the edge of crying. Because of this, Neuro had started to feel bad for ignoring him and snapping at him. He felt bad for him for.... Everything. He realises that whatever Turner had done for him to go to this tournament was for him to get more friends and socialize with other people. He realises that his boyfriend only wanted the best for him and he was the one who helped Neuro find love and made him see that in life, its not just about being successful. Its about enjoying the time you have before you pass with the people you love. Ignoring and fighting with them would just mean youre wasting your time on negativity. The purpose of life. Its to love and enjoy what it feels like to be alive. To be free. With the people you love. The people you adore. The people.... Who you---

“ LOVE! ” the master of mind cried out, making everyone turn their gaze towards the crying master, confused. Neuro couldnt hold it in any longer. He needed to do this even if it meant he would die afterwards.

He wiped away his tears and ran towards his lover, tackling him onto the ground and attacked him with kisses, his tears still flowing out. Turner was confused, but flattered and looked to see his crying boyfriend. He asked, “ Why are you crying? ” Neuro took a moment to catch his breath and when he did, he whispered, “ Because I love you. And I forgive you! ” he said, getting onto a sitting position and so did Turner. He wiped away the tears on his boyfriend's cheeks and kissed him softly, only to be interrupted by Gravis' voice near the door.

“ Everyone, get back to work! Clouse and the guards are coming!! ” which made everyone scatter back to their work stations.