~INVISABLEICE~ " Looks like were dormmates "

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*College AU
*Zane x Pale cuz I love my made up ships and theyre adorable together
*They have powers, yes
*I call Pale Elijah ( Elai for short)
*2 or 3 parts idk

•PART 1•

Pale's POV :-

I walk into the building of my college, not exactly ready to go back to learning again. I sigh but smile, knowing that some of my friends, the elemental masters and ninja, would be there.

When I entered, I saw countless numbers of students that Ive never met before and some I have, such as Damian or Drake. But theyre not exactly on my friend list. Im looking for Neuro, who was a master of mind, actually. Hes the closest friend Ive got, right next to Ash and Jacob. The first place I would search for him is in the library, obviously. Its where we both look for eachother since were book buddies.

Anyway, as I peeked into the library, the first person who caught my eye, was actually not Neuro. It was..... Zane.... Oh shit, he looks so cute. The thing is, hes been my crush since tenth grade! He was the only one that caught my eye my whole walking human life. I never denied the fact I had a crush on him and so far, Ive only told Ash about it which was a very terrible idea to do so. He keeps teasing me about him everytime we bump into eachother. It was annoying, sure, but hes my friend and I cant just tell him to leave me alone. I wouldnt last a single minute without the guy. Back to Zane, he seemed to notice me and waved. I waved back, blushing like a madman and before I knew it, Neuro had already been behind me. “ Hey, Elai? Elijah?? ” I didnt respond. I hear him sigh and say, “ Pa-- ” “ nO! ” I stop him, putting my hand over his mouth. I didnt like it when people call me by my middle name. It was too.... Weird. And unnecessary. “ Oh, you like Zane, dont you? I didnt even need to use my powers to realise how youre acting around him ” “ W-whatever!! Lets just go get our dorm keys... ” I grumbled and walked away.


“ Who do you guys think will be your dormmate? ” Jacob asked as I lined up behind him to get my own keys. “ I dunno but I hope Ill get the same room as you guys. I heard that we would have 3 dormmates so there's a possibility ” Turner replied in front of Jacob. “ I dont really care much. I just need someone to help guide me through the halls and tell me who Im with ” Jacob jokes, making us all laugh. Its a joke because he has his guitar that can.... I guess you can say magically gives him sight.

“ Elai? ” a familiar voice echoes from behind me. I glance back to see my one and only titanium nindroid crush, Zane and wow, did he look cute..... Also, did he just call me Elai???

I walk forward “ Ah, it is you. I was about to ask you something--- ” I walk forward  “ AhahHAHAHHA! THATS FUNNY, I UHMM.... IM GONNA GO-- ” I took my dorm keys and left to join the others, seeing a smirk on Ash's face. “ What? ” I ask, a bit nervous and still flustered over Zane. “ Dude, ya gotta tell him. Also everyone else. They all need to know! ” he shouted, almost catching everyone's attention in the whole building. “ Keep it down, ass hat! ” Shade half whispered, half yelled, punching Ash's arm. “ But really though? What are you hiding from us? ” I began to sweat and feel a bit anxious. “ He has a crush on Zane ”


A long pause.

Everything was quiet, even the loud chattering of everyone else in the building had been turned into a blur of silence.


What seemed to be...


I felt a bit embarrassed and blushed, wondering if they would hate me for it.    “ Its not because you like him. Its because we all suspected it. ” Neuro said, smiling at everyone who were laughing. “ W-wait, you ALL knew!? ”

“ We didnt know. We suspected ” Tox corrects me, making me feel more embarrassed. Oh God, was I that bad at hiding it? “ AND that bad at talking to youself! ” Camille says, still laughing like a complete psycho. “ But no, all the laughing aside, you really gotta step up your game. Seems like youve got a competition ” Turner says, pulling himself back together and points behind me with his chin. I look back to see how close Zane and Cole's faces were and feel a bit of jealousy creep up on me. I cant compete with that guy! Hes so handsome and popular and strong. Im so weak and quiet. I can never be as good as he is! Hes so serious about things and I joke around. Basically, the opposite of him.

I wasn't really feeling it much anymore so I walk out of the building in silence, no one from the group stopping me. It was fine. I needed space. Neuro probably stopped them.


A while later, I decided to go unpack my things in my dorm so I went over to the block.

Name : Elijah “Bancke” Paleman
Age : 18
Dorm room : B314
Dorm block : Block B
Dorm level : Level 3 (B)
Originally from : Park Vista Community Highschool
Highschool average : A-

They basically had a whole place of info about us and only put about 1% over π % and that was.... A lot. They even keep information like what we like to do or what kind of food we like to eat. If youre wodnering how I know this shit, its because I often sneak into the teachers's offices with my powers and actually have never been caught once.

When I arrived in front of my dorm door, I took out the keys and put it into the slot, twisted it and slowly opened the door. Who did I see? Ding ding.
