~BRAINFREEZE~ " Youre Unpredictable "

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*Its their 4th Anniversary and Zane is proposing owo
*Inspired by JianHao Tan's proposal video
*Because Zane is a Nindroid, he doesnt necessarily have a mind but he does have control of himself and memory like a phone
*Read PurpleCherryUwU's Ninjago Truth Or Dare book first to understand the whole plot!

3rd Person POV :-

“Almost there!” Zane smiles with excitement in his tone of voice.

“Zane, where are we going?” Neuro chuckled as he let his boyfriend lead him around Ninjago City, a bandana covering his eyes. “You will see!” Zane says, letting go of Neuro's hand. “Stay right here!” the nindroid says, making Neuro more excited.

Pixal walked into the room where Neuro was and took his hand. “Is this.... Pixal?” Neuro guessed right, despite oh her robotic hand textures. “Yes. Zane had told me to help guide you through somewhere. But I need you to resist using your powers to read minds” Pixal informs. “Hehe. That's easy” Neuro reassures as Pixal took off the bandana around his eyes. Neuro's eyes sparkled as he saw pictures of him and Zane from their first date till this day. Neuro felt like crying as he read notes Zane left stuck on the wall near the pictures. 'You changed my life' 'No one could have compared to you' 'Im so lucky to have found someone as loving and caring as you in my life'. Neuro could feel burning tears pricking at the corner of his eyes as he smiled. He tried his best to resist from reading minds. He was getting excited by the moment. Neuro reached the end of the notes and pictures, only to find his gaze upon his android boyfriend under a spotlight, flowers in a shape of a heart surrounding him. Neuro paced after his boyfriend and sobbed, hugging the nindroid tightly. Zane chuckled, pulling out a tissue from his tux pocket and wiping the tears away from Neuro's cheeks. Zane began to tear up (idk how but lets just go with it) and wiped his own tears.

Zane pressed a gentle kiss on the smaller's forehead and moved a strand of his hair away. The nindroid caressed Neuro's cheeks as more tears of his flow out. “Zane, this was ama-” before Neuro could finish, Zane placed his finger against the smaller's lips, shushing him as he did.

Zane took a small box from his back pocket, walking backwards ever so slightly and ended with him on one knee, the box open and a disbelief Neuro as he cried out more tears. The master of mind covered his mouth, smiling and kept squinting to see more clearly. Zane spoke up, “Neuro, when I first met you, you were the only person I could keep my eyes on the whole time. I didnt need to see the bad guys coming and I didnt care if they caught me. As long as you were the last person I could lay my eyes on before death, I would be satisfied (Alexander Hamilton reference lol) and..... I just feel the need to do this, propose to you, that is, to make you officially mine. So... Neuro... Will you,, marry me?”

“Zane, youre so silly, of course I will!” Neuro exclaimed with laughter, wiping the tears he cried. Zane stood up and took the ring from the box, sliding it onto Neuro's ring finger. He put the box back into his back pocket and wrapped his arms around the other's waist, pulling him closer and into a kiss. “HE SAID YES!” Gravis' voice could be heard from behind the couple. The two lovers pulled away and met gaze with the ninja and EMS, Ronin, Echo Zane, Darreth and Pixal also behind.

A flash of light came from above, several people falling from what seems to be a portal and separating the two lovers.

Cherry : wHOAAAAA!!



T.Everyone : OUFF!-

Sam : *sits up and rubs head* oww... God, where are we now!?

Cherry : I dunno... Ive never read or seen this oneshot before. Can you make any sense of this?

Sam : uh... Hmm... OH! Its my draft of BrainFreeze!

T.Zane and T.Neuro : WHAT!?

O.Zane : Fascinating!

T.Turner : Im sorry, what happens in this one?

Sam : Cherry, you can explain to the Oneshot people. Ill explain the storyline to the rest.

Cherry : So, basically, were from another dimension and SOMEONE pushed some buttons and here we are!

O.Pale : Sounds interesting

O.Turner : Agreed

Sam : So this storyline is basically where Zane proposes to Neuro on their 4th Anniversary. You can read it later on, Chers.

Cherry : Oh, alright!

Sam : Anywa-- AAAHHHHH!!!

The other dimensional versions of the people vanished through another portal, God knows where they ended up. How about a ResonatedGravity next, eh Chers?

Let me know, bud. Ill be online and right here.