~ASHES~ " Announcement for Ninjago "

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•PART 3•

3rd Person POV :-

Ash sighed, nervous about the announcement. It was all held in front of Zane's statue which, might I add, many people go to. Its like McDonalds but theres no food. Just a plain old announcement for little Ninjago.

“ Babe, you ready? ” Kai asked his lover, making sure he was okay after the Shade text which Neuro and Turner still laughed at. He didnt know whether they hated him and didnt care if he suffered, or planning something unexpected. Ash looked down to his boyfriend and smiled weakly. “ Yeah. As long as youre happy. ” he said, then leaning down to kiss his forehead. « Okay, everyone! The daily announcement for today is a bit different from the others and this was a secret weve kept for... A long time now. » they heard Lloyd announce outside to the audience.
« Now, remember this. Just because theyre doing something wrong, doesnt mean you can just rant and hate on them all you want. They are who they are and they love who they love. Ash? Kai? » Lloyd finished before handing the mic over to Ash.

« Okay. Before we get into the actual topic, can we discuss about a friend who disappeared ever since we declared ninja? His name... Is Shade... I havent seen him for 5 years and I miss him a lot. He was like a brother to me.... I miss him so much and all my friends ever do was just laugh about it. I dont know why they would but they would usually help me instead of laughing » Ash announced, making sure Shade was first to be called.

« A-anyways.... This isnt what we were supposed to talk about and in this next topic might be a bit weird to understand but just... Be nice. Well..... Me and Kai.... Are dating » Ash finally said that lifted the weight on his chest as he sighed. Not in relief yet.

Gasps and murmurs spread across the whole crowd of Ninjago people and some even fainted. « And... Were getting married soon.. » Kai added. A much larger gasp came, making some of Kai's fangirls to cry or break up with the body pillows or cut outs of him. Then out of nowhere, a figure wearing a hood from the crowd rose their hand up and shouted, “ Hey! Am I in the invitation list? Or did you forget about even giving me one at all? ” he sounded... Familiar. A voice Ash hadnt heard ever since he and Kai....

« Shade? » Ash asked the stranger with the hood before jumping into conclusions. The figure took off its hood to reveal... « SHADE!? » the two lovers yelled, surprised and honestly happy he was there.

Neuro and Turner laughed louder than before until they ended up almost falling down every minute. Shade disappeared through his own shadow and came back behind the couple. “ Man, is it good to see you guys!? ” Shade said, gripping onto both of their shoulders. The crowd of Ninjago citizens were confused and silent throughout everything that was happening. They all faced the silent crowd and stood awkwardly. « Welp, now I guess we know why my friends laughed! Hehe... » Ash finished off awkwardly with a nervous smile. « By the way, youre all invited to the wedding. Ill see you all there! » Kai added before leaving back into the bounty with Shade and Ash.

“ Was that why you two laughed? If it was, it wasnt cool. But I give you applause for the great plan. ” Ash asked the two breathless masters on the floor. They couldnt really talk so they just nodded and Ash let out a chuckle at the two. “ SHADE!! ” Ash and Kai heard before leaving to Kai's room.

“ So... Am I going to move in with you? Or is Shade still gonna stay there. ” Kai asked his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his neck smirking. “ Hmm... Oh gee, I dunno, babe. Whatever you want, I guess ” Ash responded, letting Kai decide. The smaller thought for a while asked himself whether he would move in or let Shade, his boyfriend's best friend, stay with him. Maybe all three of them could live in the same room or.... A connected room. I mean, Kai's and Ash's rooms are next to eachother. “ Ah. I know what youre thinking. You want to remove the wall between our rooms. ” “ Youre reading my mind ” Ash smiled and nodded and Kai let go to let Ash tell Lloyd and Zane about it. Kai sighed, smiling as his boyfrie--- fiancé walked away. His stomach was just filled with butterflies, knowing he was going to marry the love of his life..


“ Do you, Kai Smith, take this man to be your loving husband and love him your whole life? ”

“ Yes. I do. ”

“ And do you, Ash-- ”

“ Fucking yes ”

“ Oh.. Uhm... You may now kiss the groom ”

Ash leaned in towards his legally now husband and kissed him, resting his hands on his cheeks. Everyone around in the room stood and cheered, some crying onto their lovers's shoulder and some just crying while eating the cake. *ahem* Cole.

“ I love you, Kai ”

“ I love you more ”