~OTPSANDBROTPS~ " What the heck are you all doing here? "

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~Episode 2~


Lloyd's POV :-

Me and the rest of the ninja walk around Ninjago streets, talking about how Morro should have had another chance to live with us. We stumbled upon a crowd that seemed quite familiar, walking into Skylar's Noodlehouse. Well, there are a lot of crowds that go to the noodlehouse but today, the noodlehouse is supposed to be closed. Whats going on over there? “ Uh, hey guys? Isnt Skylar's noodlehouse supposed to be closed on Wednesdays? ” I aksed the rest, still wlaking and staring at the noodlehouse questionably. “ You are right, Lloyd. It should be. Maybe we should go and check why its opened ” Zane replied.
“ Well... Maybe its just a special day today that Skylar wanted to-- ” “ No. She woudlnt do that. ” Kai muttered, interuppting Jay and started running over to the noodlehouse. “ What are you guys waiting for!? Lets go and see! ” he yelled, still running. I look at the rest and shrugged, then following behind Kai. I open the door to the noodlehouse and stoped and stared to see.......

The elemental masters all gathered around a huge long table, playing.... Uno? Except for Jacob and Neuro. Fair enough, Id understand why.

But what I dont understand is why theyre all here. I dont see Skylar anywhere.
“ Shes under the counter, getting some board games for us after they finish
Uno ” Neuro says all of the sudden, turning his head and and looking at me, the others doing the same.

3rd Person POV :-

“ Oh, hey, Lloyd! ” Shade greeted Lloyd cheerily and waved, making Pale and Ash a but jealous and pissed, giving Lloyd a death glare. Lloyd avoided the two glares and smiled at Shade, greeting him back. “ So what are you guys doing here? Why didnt you invite us? ” Kai asked, a bit jealous and disappointed that the masters didnt invite the ninja.
“ Theres a reason why its called Elemental Masters Meeting. Its basically just me and the other masters hanging out and doing nothing at my noodlehouse. I mean, we all basically havw no idea what else to do at this point. ” Skylar says, standing up and holding boxes upon boxes of board games, walking towards the long tabke and placing it down. “ AHA! SKIP! ” Pale cheered, placing down the skip card to Ash, mkaing the master of smoke groan and Gravis to pick a card. “ but in all seriousness... We really have nothing to do. If we were apart of your team, maybe we would but.... We wouldnt wanna steal your thunders ” Skylar finished, picking up her Uno cards and sat next to Gravis. “ Hmm... ” Gravis thought for a second before placing a card down. “ But Skylar is right. If we were to help the city in any way, we would be totally useless. You all just come and swoop in to save the day. Its amazing how youve all made it this far ” Jacob muttered and smiled. “ Well.. Youre not all useless ” Jay started before being interrupted. “ Oh please. Tell me how many times have we helped? ” Turner spat, skipping his turn because of Skylar.

The ninja paused for a moment.

“Well... You helped when Chen-- ” “ We barely believed you. How was that helpful? ”

“ Well, maybe- ” “ Its was just Skylar ”

Jay groaned, “ Argh! Fine. We admit, we dont really call yoy guys. Its been 2 years and I guess we forgot.... ” Turner snapped his head towards the blue ninja quickly and put on a fake offended face.
“ How can you forget your own zippy? ” he said in attempt of lightening up the mood which actually worked. Everyone laughed and chuckled around them.
“ Ah! UNO! ” Bolobo cheers, putting down a card and leaving his deck to only one card left. The masters who played groaned and left the ninja, Neuro and Jacob to laugh.

“ Well, we'll leave yall to your games. Have fun ” Lloyd announced, turning around and leaving the noodlehouse with the rest of the ninja following behind him. The masters said their goodbyes and continued their game.


1st Bolobo
2nd Gravis
3rd Shade
4th Tox
5th Skylar
6th Turner
7th Ash
8th Karlof
9th Camille