~FASTSHADOW~ " Youre a what? "

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*Gem AU
*Shade is normal hooman and Turner is a crystal gem
*Turner is an aventurine gem
*Shade doesnt have powers but Turner does
*Shade's name is Shane in this

3rd Person POV :-

It was a peaceful night in Ninjago. Shane was just having a stroll around the park, taking in the fresh air around the city when all of the sudden, he heard a loud crash somewhere in the forest and he didnt know whether he should check what it was or just call the ninja. In the end, he decided to just investigate on it himself. He walked deep through the trees, looking for it. After he had searched for a couple minutes, he found a spaceship. I mean... It looked like one so he assumed it was and damn, was he right?

A figure emerged through the smoke that had came out from the spaceship that looked like a human but with a faded green skin. It seemed to be a male with slick back, messy hair which Shane thought was a bit cute. You might be wondering why on earth is Shane not freaked out about this. I mean... This happens all the time with the ninja and all, hes gotten used to it, to be honest.

The figure approached Shane and sent a shiver down his spine but now, he could see the figure more clearly and.... Shane was definately lovestruck when he saw the figure. He had a faded green skin, tight black and grey clothes and was filled with bruises. He also had a rip on his left leg that showed a gem of some sorts. It was green in colour and was in a pyramid shape. It was a bit cracked but it was also shining. The figure was limp, gripping onto its own arm, possibly in pain. Shane decided to help the stranger but first, he needed it approval. “ Uh... Hello? ” Shane asked the green stranger. “ Who are you and whats your name? Are you a human? ” this caught the figure's attention more. It looked up, showing its face, covered in bruises and a bit of blood coming from his head and mouth.

“ I-im an aventurine gem.... Youre... A human... Am I correct? ” the figure started, making Shane blush at his voice. “ Youre a what? ” “ A gem... I was supposed to be executed today but... I managed to escape ”

Shane was confused. What did he mean by executed and escape??

“ What do you mean? ” “ Well... The other gems arent so nice when it comes to having an opposite gender gems from where I come from.... So, they decided to execute me ” the figure explained but Shane still didnt understand what he meant. “ Im sorry, I dont know what you mean... I dont get why genders should matter ” the figure sighed in annoyance and wanted to explain his background but he was too tired and hurt and he didnt really wnat to talk about it.

“ Whatever... I escaped and thats all that matters. Im Aventurine and thats all you need to know about me. ” the stranger called Aventurine muttered before going back to his crashed ship and taking out something. It seemed to be a first aid kit but... Everything about it was different from the kinds Shane and everyone else one earth used. He didnt want to annoy Aventurine more so instead of asking a question he wanted to ask, he decided to ask something else. “ So... Aventurine. Isnt that a gem? And is that the reason why you have a gem on your leg? ” Aventurine nodded, healing himself slowly. “ Well... Im Shane and if you want, you can stay with me? ” Shane asked. He didnt know why he asked but it was worth a shot considering that Aventurine wouldnt have anywhere else to go but with him and Aventurine knew this and nodded. “ Yeah, sure whatever... ”