~DOUBLEPAIR~ " Secret No More "

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*Thinkfast and Smokeshade
*Christmas AU

3rd Person POV :-

It was Christmas night and this time, the ninja were celebrating with the elemental masters too. Of course, Dareth, Echo and Ronin were also there per usual.

Everyone came. Some came alone and some were in groups such as Turner and Neuro, Shade and Ash, Skylar, Tox and Camille and Jacob and Pale. Some ninja came from elsewhere but they came and actually made it in time.


“ Welcome everyone to our Christmas night. We will have games such as Mario Kart, Monopoly, Uno and Life the Game. The board version. ” Cole announced. “ The food and drinks are all over there and no, you can not have the cake ” the black ninja continued, making sure that he mentioned about his cake. “ There are aslo some mistletoes around so beware! ” Jay then butted in. “ Other than that, have fun! ” the two ninja finished in unison.

Everyone all seperated, playing games or even having some snacks and drinking some coke and egg nog. Pale, Shade, Ash, Lloyd and Dareth were playing Uno. Griffin, Jay and Echo were playing Mario Kart while Neuro and Zane watched. Tox, Camille and Kai were playing Life. Ronin, Gravis, Karlof, Tox, Camille, Cole, Skylar and Jacob were eating and talking.

As Jay was busy losing Mario Kart, he also kept looking around the places he, Cole and Kai hung the mistletoes, looking for any two who was under one. He spotted Ronin and Tox, Pale and Shade and Zane and Neuro. He paused the game and stood on the couch, yelling. “ MISTLETOE!! Pale and Shade, Ronin and Tox and Zane and Neuro!! ” as he pointed at them, his eyes, bright, waiting to see everything that was about to happen and oh, could he not wait. Ash was disappointed and Turner was filled with disbelief and also disappointment. Pale was shocked and didnt want to do it with his friend. Shade felt guilty and sad and Zane also didnt want to do it. Neuro was just... Sad. Shade and Neuro both hoped to be under a mistletoe with their boyfriend and so did Ash and Turner.

Tox and Ronin had already kissed. I mean like.... Just a peck.

The others looked away. Same goes with Turner and Ash. Everyone stared at the mistletoed pairs, waiting patiently (excluding Jay). “ Come on! Its not that bad. Sure, youre all guys and are really close friends and all but whats wrong with that? Some of you might actually like eachother! ” Jay whined but... Silence. “ Okay, fine. Lets make a deal. You guys can tell me what to do if you guys ki-- ” before he could finish, Shade, Ash, Turner and Neuro shouted,


Everyone had turned to face the four that shouted, a bit confused. Pale and Zane looked away, mainly because they were the only few that actually knew about their relationship.

“ Just kiss, then! ” they all sighed in defeat and face they were partnered with and their face full of regret. Turner and Ash looked away, wanting to cry. Before lips could touch, Turner pushed away Zane and kissed his boyfriend- Ash, doing the same to Pale and kissed his boyfriend lovingly and the two were finally relieved they did that, even if it meant the others to probably hate them.

Neuro and Shade opened their eyes to see their boyfriends instead of Pale or Zane. The two were also relieved and kissed back. Pale and Zane sighed and smiled as they watched the two couples finally come out to everyone.

Various gasps could be heard around the two couples but they didnt care at all.

Jay was slack-jawed, so was Kai, Cole, Ronin, Dareth and Tox. Its not like they would hate them for being gay but they were all just shocked and surprised how these four good friends would end up in a relationship. The two couples pulled away for air and look around to see everyone staring at them. Griffin slowly pulled away, straightening himself, a bit scared of what they would say.

“ Y-you guys arent disgusted or anything... Right? ” Turner asked, fearing they would. “ O-of course not! We woudl never. Its just that... We were just surprised since you two are literally polar opposited and Shade and Ash are like... Best friends ” Lloyd said, putting up both of his hands to show no offend and reassured them. I mean, it really was surprising but whatever, right? Love is love in the end.

Bonus :

Zane and Pale kissed and this story is now inclufing InvisableIce shut up I love this ship.