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*After the tournament
*Gravis X Jacob uwu I stan this ship very muchshsh

Gravis' POV :-

I flew off into the distance on my dragon with Jacob and Karlof, following beside me. They were my closest friends after the tournament had ended. The others? Well, Skylar ran her family business, Bolobo decided to make a small condo in Chen's island and help provide the needs of plants there, Neuro wanted to be an author, Griffin Turner was now a renowned athlete in Ninjago City but never used his powers so thats kind of impressive, Shade worked with Skylar as a cashier, Ash became a hair saloonist, (lol idk why his hair just looks cool) Karlof took a job as a mechanic, Tox works with Ash, Camille sings in bars, Jacob writes song lyrics and plays his guitar on the streets or in random bars, Pale, I have no idea what he is doing but sure, okay. We all dont hang out much because of our busy schedules but we managed to keep in touch. No one else in Ninjago still found out about our powers regardless on how much we use them in public. You see, people dont see us as much of a help because they think we dont use our powers to help anyone. But may I protest,

I had saved everyone's lives when a building almost crashed everyone when Nadakhan nearly took over, Ash and Shade save some poor bystanders from thugs in alleyways, Griffin saved a kid's life from a falling building and Skylar donated to every poor person that ever existed in a span of 3 seconds using the powers she absorbed!!

How are us elemental masters not helpful? We saved the freaking world from crumbling apart from Chen! Honestly....

But of course, there ARE some positivity as there are negativity like... How Tox and Camille are dating or how the ninja saves the day again or even when me and Jacob are dating. Yeah, we somehow managed to confess and date. Ive had a crush on him since we became friends since Im a demi-boy.

“ Should we take short ride to Jamanikai village? ” Karlof asked, yelling a bit so we could hear. “ Sure, Karlof ” Jacob says and looks over to me and I nod in approval. “ So, remind me how you can see a bit when youre on your dragon? ” just to remind you, our elemental dragons are unlocked when we faced our fears. Jacob's was terrifying. It wad because his mother died when he was about 6 and he was afraid of how differently his father treated him since. He was insecure and locked back into his own mind,  waiting for help to come by. He was afraid of what people thought of him for being blind or gay or any of the such. He was afraid of disappointment because his father raised him as abusive and forceful. He forced Jacob to be successful and if he didnt, he would be kicked out. He overcame that fear and unlocked his elemental dragon which I cried at. No one else but me and Karlof know about his past too. I love him for who he is. I love him for overcoming his fear. I love him for letting go of his past. I love him.... In general, really. I love him no matter what.

I look over at Jacob, smiling softly and sighed. I turn back at Karlof and signalled him to fly away for a couple seconds.

Jacob turned to me as I asked, “ Wanna save your energy and ride with me? ” he looked away but soon nodded. He flew above me and put back his dragon into his gi and hugged me from behind tightly. I held out one of his hands and pressed a gentle kiss. “ I love you. Remember that for me? ” “ Of course... I love you too ”