~DARKTHINKING~ " Its too obvious to miss "

444 11 13


*Shade is a depress boi ;-;
*Neuro finds out hes been cutting himself

3rd Person POV :-

Shade was standing out on his balcony of his apartment, taking in the fresh air. Neuro, his boyfriend, was coming over soon so he had to change into a much.... Appropriate... Clothes.

He wore a long-sleeved turtle neck and track pants. Long sleeves arent usually a good sign when you know that person is always tired and has irritability. Its never, a good sign at all. Neuro was already outside his door and knocked twice. Shade jolted and ran up to the door, twisting the handle and pulling it inwards. " Babe! That was quick. Did Turner send you?? " Shade asked, since he had only texted Neuro about 4 minutes ago. " Hm. Maybe. " Neuro said with a smirk, sending a message to Turner so they could have some privacy. He examined the living room, observing everything. He knew Shade was depressed so he had to make sure he hadnt gone to that level yet. He took off his coat and put it on the couch and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind. Shade took it as a sign that he needed to go so he left to the kitchen.

Neuro looked on the sink and toilet, under, behind and his cabinet behind the mirror. He looked into the shower then looked at the ceiling.

It was loose...

He took something to use as a lift and pushed the ceiling upwards, revealing a secret attic. He looked into it further and saw water in a pail, razors with blood on it, cotton dipped in blood and lastly, alcohol. Neuro didnt believe his boyfriend would drink. No, he wouldnt. If he did, he better would have a good reason why. He looked closer, turning on a flashlight from his phone and gasped a little.

" No. Hes gone way past that level... " Neuro mumbled to himself and slowly got down, closing the attic or whatever Shade calls it. He pit the things he used back to its places and flushed the toilet to make it seem like he was going.

He washed his hands and walked out, seeing Shade on the balcony, eating Doritos. Neuro walked up behind him and hugged his boyfriend, sighing.

" Heh. You do-- " Shade was about to ask, before Neuro grabbed his left arm, pulling up his sleeves to reveal his cuts just as Neuro thought would reveal. Neuro stood there, motionless, observing the cuts. Shade, on the other hand, was quiet and confused. How did he found out?

" Shade, its obvious. And did you forget you have a mind reading boyfriend? " Neuro responded to Shade's thoughts, still motionless. Neuro looked up slowly to face him and saw his face, a bit embarrassed and afraid. Neuro pulled Shade into a hug tightly, then looked up, giving his boyfriend little pecks on the cheek. Shade smiled a bit.

" Why are you doing this again? I thought you stopped... " Neuro asked, a few tears forming in his eyes. " I.... I was just.... " Shade sighed. " Id rather not talk about it.... " Neuro nodded, understanding his condition. " Will you stop for me? For Turner or... Ash?? " the master of mind asked, making Shade feel guilty. Shade nodded in defeat. He would do anything to stop his bestest friends or his boyfriend to worry about him and not themselves. Neuro smiled and muttered a " Thank you. " before kissing the taller, leaning upwards a bit. " I love you.... Remember that for me? " Shade nodded and hugged the smaller. " I will... "


Turner sat in silence outside of Shade's room, listening to everything they had said before getting up and walking away.