~SHADOWPHEONIX~ " At least youre okay "

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*From season 5 (Morro) but the elemental masters are included as always uwu
*This was the part where the bounty almost broke and crashed into the mountain except it did crash

3rd Person POV :-

The ninja, Wu, Misako, Nya and the elemental masters were trying to fly away from the master of wind as fast and far as possible. Wait.... If Nya is with Jay.... Then whos?...

Shade turn to the deck to see his boyfriend, Kai, and Neuro, struggling to change course on the wheel. The master panics and runs over to help.“ WHAT THE HECK, NYA!? ” Shade yelled, running up the stairs. “ SORRY! ” was all the master of shadow could hear before he went in and helped Neuro and his boyfriend. “ Thought youd need help ” “ Thanks--”


Misfortune (pun not intended) hit the bounty. Kai woke up on the ground, confused. Kai grunted as he sat up. “ W-what happened?? ” the master of fire muttered, scratching the back of his neck as he looked around and saw Neuro and Shade, still passed out. The ninja got up and walked to the red paint coated plank, picking it up and examining it. “ Hm... A part of the bounty. Did we crash into the mountain? ” He said, looking up to see the mountain and noticed some few metal parts. He looked around a bit more, not being able to find anyone else. 'Maybe they went out to look for supplies' Kai thought. The fire elemental went between Shade and Neuro, trying to wake them up. “ Shaby-baby, Neuro. Wake up. ”

Neuro blinked and closed his eyes a when the light shone upon his eyes. He muttered, “ What? Where are we? What happened? ” “ Thats what Ive been asking myself. But judging by the looks of things, it seems like weve crashed into the mountain and dont ask me where everyone else is. Im as curious as you are right now. ” Kai finished and heard a few soft grunts coming from Shade. He turned to see his boyfriend, finally getting up, his eyes closed tight.

Shade felt aching at his back and gripped it for a while until he was comfortable with the pain. “ Ugh, God, what happened? Did we crash? ” the master of shadow questioned and looked at the other two. Kai and Neuro nodded and Shade sighed.

“ Well... Where is everyone else? ” “ We dont know yet. ” Neuro responded, searching for the rest of the bounty's parts. “ Okay then. Hey, at least I know youre okay. ” Shade continued, getting up and hugged Kai, smiling softly. The ninja hugged back and sighed calmly. Shade's hugs always had a way of making him calm and that was his special power to Kai. When theyre together, every fear goes away no matter how bad it is. Its fine. Theyll find a way to sort this out. They always do.

Bonus :

Neuro stared and watched at the couple as they hugged. He had a neutral poker face. He sighed and thought, ' When will I feel that way about someone? '