~INVISABLEICE~ " Looks like were dormmates "

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•PART 2•

Zane's POV :-

“ I dont know, Cole. What if he actually doesnt like me? Maybe thats why he keeps running away from me... ”

“ Or its because he always chickens out and runs away once you say hi ”

“ But you could be wrong-- ”

“ I could also be right. Come on, Zane! Its your chance! Ill pray you'll get the same dorm as him~ ” Cole sang, leaning against my shoulder. I huffed and blushed. “ Im going to go to my dorm. Ill see you at Chemistry? ” “ Yep! See ya, Slushie ” Cole said, walking away.


I stood in front of the dorm door and slowly opened it. It wasnt locked. Which meant someone was already in here. One of my dormmates were already in here and who was it? Ding ding. Elijah Paleman himself. Why did Cole pray for this? I dont need this. Oh, what if he ACTUALLY hates me and would hurt or assault me in private. What if....

“ Z-zane! ” he stuttered out, surprised. I smile weakly and softly. I gave him a small nod before going into a room which had one empty bed one side and the other seemed to be taken. “ Ah, yeah. I already took a bed. I guess youre staying with me? ” I nod and set down my luggage on the floor, taking out my bed sheets and pillow. I put the bed sheets over the disgusting looking bed and place the pillow right at the top of the bed. I sigh, already feeling tired.         “ Uhm... Hey, Zane? ” I hear Elai say. I turn around and see him smiling sheepishly as he put away his phone into his back pocket. “ Yes? ” “ I was thinkinh... What about getting lunch with me and the other masters? ” “ Oh, uhm... I dont know if I should just leave the rest. I might need to ask Lloyd first ” Elai then nodded and walked outside, leaving me alone.

---1 month later--- (February)

“ Hey Zane! ” I hear Elai call me. I go to our room to see him in a red hood and black jeans. “ Yes, Elai? ” “ I was thinking.... Well... WILLYOUBEMYVALENTINE? ” Elai blurted out, handing me a chocolate heart. I blushed and smiled. “ Yes! ”         “ Wait, what? ” “ I said yes! ” I repeated. His eyes widen and he raised an eyebrow. “ I thought... You would reject? ” I dont know how to tell him this. Is this the right moment to do so? Should I tell him about my feelings for him? Should I keep quiet? No. I need to tell him. If I didnt, Cole would haunt me my whole life. Here we go.... “ Truth is, Elai... I... I like you and... Ive developed feelings for you... ”

3rd Person POV :-

Elai stood there in shock. He never thought his CRUSH would say YES to HIM on VALENTINES DAY.

“ Are you serious? ” Elai asked, making sure that he wanted to confirm it again just in case. Zane nodded and Elai felt disbelief. Zane? Really? I mean... He could be kidding and it couldve just been dare from one of Zane's friends, right? It could be Jay who set this up and if Elai said yes, he would be laughed at by everyone. Jay, Kai, his friends..... Zane.... But he needed to trust Zane. He can trust him. At least.... Thats what everyone says.

“ I... I dont know what to say-- ” “ Oh, gosh, Im sorry. You must hate me for this and think im a disgrace. Im sorry... I.. I shouldnt have.... Oh gosh.... I... You were probably just kidding, right? ” Zane blabbers, embarrassed and mortified. He said yes. By the name of the first spinjitzu master, he said freacking yes. Elai must really be laughing inside, thinking how pathetic Zane is to believe in such a thing.

“ No, no. Its okay, Zane. I... I actually like you too! ” Elai blurted out without realising. He had to take this opportunity. It might be his chance to finally be with a person he would do anything for. A person hes loved since the day he met him. A person named Zane Julien.

A nindroid.

Zane was surprised and opened his mouth only to be interrupted by Elai's sudden lips smashed against his. The two blushed. Elai didnt know what he was doing but his gut told him to do it. It felt.... Right. Zane melted into the kiss and put his arms around the other's neck, pushing him closer. Elai hugged Zane's waist in response. Even if it felt forever,-- which was actually just a few seconds-- the two pulled away from eachother to catch their breath, panting and gasping for air. Once the two realised what they had just done, they froze and turned away from eachother, hiding their faces.

Zane turned to Elai slowly. “ Youre not tricking me? ” Elai looked back at the nindroid “ What? No! Id never! ” Elai defended. “ Ive always liked you ”

Zane felt dumb. He stood there and stared into Elai's eyes. “ Why have you been running away from me, then? ” “ I was scared.... Of confessing.... Attraction.... ” Elai muttered softly, trailing off at the end. “ You kissed me? ” “ You kissed back ” Elai and Zane stood solid still for a while, processing what happened until the door opened. “ Hey, Elai, I was wondering if you might wanna go get some fo-- ” Shade stopped. “ Am I interrupting something here, or??? ”

“ Not at all ” Elai smiled,  hiding his blush, making Zane smile and chuckle.


Shade stayed behind the door as Zane and Elai kissed. He chuckled as he texted the other masters.

ImNotEmo (Shade) : GuYs tHEy kiSSeD

TurboTheSnail (Turner) : InvISabLeIcE!?

ImNotEmo : YES

IDontVape (Ash) : Pfft-- called it.