~BRAINFREEZE~ " Goddammit, Turner.... "

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*After the tournament
*Its a bit like the first Thinkfast oneshot from this book but who cares
*No, not an Aladdin reference
*Zane tends to ignore his friends and keeps staring at Neuro

3rd Person POV :-

" Zane!! " Jay shouted at the titanium ninja as he stared off into the master of mind's eyes. " H-huh? " Zane asked, snapping back into reality and looked at his friend. " Uhmm... Hello? Were celebtating? Come join us! " Jay said, taking a sip from his soup. " I... No thank you. I have something important to do " Zane declined, walking off the hill and went down to where the elemental masters stood and talked. He searched around the crowd of masters, looking for-- " Zane? You were looking for me? " a voice echoed behind the ninja. Zane turned to meet with Neuro. Zane blushed and smiled.

" Neuro! Yes, I was looking for you. I wanted to ask you a question " Zane muttered, blocking his mind and making sure Neuro doesnt find out too soon and ruin it.

" Okay, go ahead " Neuro insisted.

" I-I dont know how to put this in words but... I think Im gay " Zane started. Neuro was surprised but he wasnt homophobic. No. " Okay, its okay. I am too..... " Neuro responded, trailing off at the end and blushed. " But, what did you want to ask? " Neuro shook off his blush and straighten his position. " Well... I just... I think were really.... Go well together.... " Zane started again, slowly taking Neuro's hands "......and I thought that maybe you would.... Like to go... Out sometime?? " the nindroid finished, closing his eyes tight, afraid he might reject. " I... " Neuro said, surprised. But before he could finish, he felt a push from behind him that made him and Zane fall and smash lips together. Neuro didnt know what to do but.... Zane kissed back. If it counts as a kiss at all... But it made Neuro feel calm and kiss back. Many gasps and 'ooh's filled the atmosphere around the two.

They both pulled away and sat up.
" What... Wh-who pushed me!? " Neuro asked, looking behind him and meeting his gaze with the one and only Griffin Turner, who shrugged and smirked.
" Goddammit, Turner... " Neuro blushed, only to be pulled back to Zane's direction and be kissed by him. Again.

They pulled away, Zane smiling softly and asked, " Will you? "

" How could I say no to you? "