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*After the tournament
*This is really sad ;-;
*2 parts uwu

3rd Person POV :-

Months after the tournament of elements had ended, all the elemental masters decided they would all split up and go back to their own homes and/or apartments.

Even after months of not seeing the other masters, Kai still had his head up in the clouds about one master. No, not Skylar. Its surprising but it actually isnt her. They agreed to just stay friends right after Chen was being brought into the cursed realm. Kai didnt mind any of that crap as he had already fallen for another and wow, was he surprised it was a guy? It was the first time he ever did fall for the same sex but he didnt care. He just liked him. He liked Neuro. God, was it hard to keep that secret from being told. Neuro can literally read his mind, for Pete's sake! He had to try to think of something else like.... Cheesy jokes. Which was a terrible idea since Neuro always read his mind. He could tell by the grimace he always makes on his face.

That aside.

Neuro was in his apartment, making himself a spaghetti for dinner. When he was done, he put it on a plate, put ketchup over it and sprinkled some shredded cheese and took a fork. As he ate, he heard a faint siren go off from outside of his apartment. He didnt know if it actually was a fire drill or not, mainly because he had some neighbours who smoked but as soon as he heard the screams, he stood up quickly and opened the door, only to be met with a blazing fire.

Neuro didnt know what to do. He was too panicked to think or come up with a plan. The thought of fire reminded him of Kai who probably have forgotten about him by now.

' Agh, damnit, Neuro! Theres no time thinking about him right now! '

Neuro mentally cursed himself. He felt sweat drip down form the side of his head and his neck. He was too weak, afraid. He hoped and prayed he would be fine. He hoped Kai would just burst in from the door or ceiling or wall and save him. But the person who might save him would either be Skylar, Turner, Shade, Nya or Zane. Fire and fire does not work and if Kai even tried, he would just make things worse. Unless Kai could control teh fire to make a straight path towards the exit....--


A piece of the ceiling collapsed, knocking out Neuro in deep sleep.


Kai stared off into the distance of where the smoke was coming from, feeling a bit bad for not being there to stop the fire. Then, he felt suspicious. His curiosity grew and grew. He turned over to his sister and asked, “ Hey sis. Wheres that fire coming from? ” Nya shrugged and searched it up on the city's surveillance. “ Its coming from the Kaitako Apartments. Strange.... I feel like I recognize that name somewhere.... ” Kai froze, his eyes widening. Kaitako Apartments was where Neuro stayed. No....

He rushed over to the helm and set a course to the apartment, going full speed, making everyone else on board scream and freak out. “ K-KAI, WHAT ARE YOU... DOING!?! ” Cole and Lloyd yelled, making sure Kai heard them. Kai didnt respond. His head was full of thoughts. What if he was already gone? No, maybe hes safe.... No...

Kai could feel tears start to form at teh corner of his eyes but blinked to make sure they never came out.

When they reached their destination, Kai jumped off and saw the burning building right in front of him. He looked around and saw a lot of people who were injured ot passed out. But none of them were Neuro. Kai's heart sank and he rushed into the building, whether the fire stung him ot not. He has to make sure Neuro isnt in there and if he was, he has to make sure hes still alive. Even if it meant his power. His life.... Kai ran up to the level he felt right and rushed into random rooms and somehow found Neuro in the room on his first guess. I guess thats what Jay and Nya said about true love instincts.

Kai pushed away the pieces of wood that blocked him and got to Neuro pretty quick. He didnt want to waste time trying  to wake him up so he picked him from the ground and put him on his back. Kai looked around the room, trying to find an exit.

The only possible and quick exit was teh window but it wouldnt be safe. But if he used the door, it would be dangerous. He had to go for the window. Its a leap of faith.

Kai took a deep breath and held onto Neuro's hand on his shoulder and jumped---