~ASHES~ " Announcement for Ninjago "

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*Ninja EMS
*I dont know what else to call it so....
*2 parts

•PART 1•

Ash's POV :-

April, 19th. The day I first met Kai, the fire ninja who also ended up being my boyfriend. Im sorry, I havent properly introduced myself. Im Ash, master of smoke and... Im grayromantic gay. Me and Kai met in with a not-so-pleasant introduction mainly because when we first talked, was before we had to fight. I had to go easy on him. I wanted him to win if it meant my death. Well, I nearly died but thats another story.

Today was our 5th anniversary and it was also the day we tell Ninjago that we were... A thing and reveal me and the rest of the EMS's identities. We all are honestly nervous but when you debate with Jay and Zane about anything, you know you cant defeat them. Theyre just impossible to debate with and theyll win in the end.

So, it was decided we would reveal our identities (me and the EMS) and me and Kai's relationship. Another reason why I agreed to do it was because that it was for Kai. He was so happy and excited for today.

" ASH!! " I heard my boyfriend call me and felt his arms around my neck. I turn a bit and see him smiling at me. " Happy Anniversary! " he says and pecks my cheek. I chuckle and gave him a quick kiss on the lips and smiled. " Happy Anniversary. Ive got you something " I say, pulling out a box from under the couch I was sitting on. Kai let go of me and sat beside me with an excited look.

" Here " I said, handing him the box. It was black and it had a small note saying, 'Happy Anniversary, babe. Love you! -Yours truly, Ash♥'

He took the box and opened it. I look away, scared he might not like the gift and heard a gasp from him. I turn back and saw him, tears at the corner of his eyes and his left hand over his mouth. He looked at me and I smile softly as he pulled me into a hug. I hug back and whispered, " Do you like it? " " Y-yes " Kai said, his voice cracking. I didnt feel broken when I heard it so I took it that he was telling the truth and liked the gift. If youre wondering, I got him a... Well.... An engagement ring. I know its not teh best way to propose but if its a surprise, its gotta be, right? Weve been dating for 5 years now and theres no such thing as too early if its been 5 years. I guess thats another thing we have to mention to Ninjago. Our soon to be wedding.