~SHADOWPHEONIX~ " Adopting uwu "

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•PART 2•

“ M-my name is Jeremy.... Im 13... ” the boy said nervously. Kai's heart melted, letting out a quiet 'awe'.

(I did a terrible job but who cares)

“ Well, Jeremy. How are you with ga- ”
“ Im not homophobic... I-if! That was what you were going to ask.... ” Shade was surprised and relieved. He didnt want a child who secretly hated them, no. He wants a child who can appreciate anything and is grateful for a life such as this. Shade smiled warmly and whispered to Kai, “ I really like this kid. What do you think, love? ” “ I love him! ” Kai whispered-shouted. “ Hes really cute!! ”

Jeremy stayed quiet, though he could hear them crystal clear. They were honestly terrible at whispering but Jeremy tried to just ignore the fact that Kai called his cute. No one has at all. When someone comes to adopt, he has never been picked. Its just how it has been for the past 4 years hes been there. Yes, he knows Kai is the red ninja. Hes not a late learner and figured it out about them just yesterday. Jeremy tried his best not to overreact of the fact that THE RED NINJA approached him first out of the other thousands of kids in the room. He was both shocked and disbelief. There was a chance that he could finally be adopted and not just by a random couple, no. A couple including the red ninja. This just made his day. But one thing that caught his attention the most was that Kai was with a person who he doesnt know. A man with slick back black hair, tan skin, (im not racist. I just think a grey skin would just be a bit weird) white T-shirt, black jeans and purple and white sneakers. He seemed nice. Were he and Kai really a couple? There was absolutely not a single news saying that Kai was married to a guy and was gay. Not that there was a problem or anything. Jeremy was just a bit surprised since the news never got on TV or the radio. Not like anyone pays attention to it other than him anyways.

Kai turned back to Jeremy with a very wide smile and sparks in his eyes. The other turned as well and said, “ Want to be apart of a family? ”

Want to be apart of a family?

Jeremy paused and stared directly into their eyes. Was this really happening? Is this a test? No. This is his opportunity. He has to, “ Y-yes!? ” he exclaimed with a half smile and half confused expression. He didnt know if this was the right choice but hope to God it is. Kai jumped in excitement, earning a laugh from his lover. “ Shade Lee ” Shade introduced himself, letting out his hand. Jeremy smiled, choking back his tears and shook Shade's hand then immediately pulling Shade into a surprise hug with some tears. Shade was both shocked and confused but hugged back, then hearing Kai awe from behind. “ You have no idea how long ive been waiting.... ” Jeremy muttered, his vouce slowly cracking “ how long, kid? ” “ About.... 4 years now, I think? ” “ Four. Years!? ” Shade let go of the boy and showed him a shocked face, meeting gaze with a red faced Jeremy whose tears were slowly coming out as he nodded.

“ Awe, its alright, kid. Youve got me and Kai. Youre gonna love it with us ” Shade reassured the boy. He patted his back and lead him out to the doors, Kai following behind slowly, saying goodbye to all the other kids.


Shade unlocked the car and got into the front seat, then starting the engine as Kai and Jeremy come in after putting away Jeremy's luggage. They put on their seatbelts. “ Jeremy, are you ready, kid? ” Kai asked, looking back at him to see him nervously smile and nod.

Shade chuckled and pushed a button, turning the car black with wings on the side, also with boosters and jets that switched with the tyres.

Jeremy jolted as soon as the car started to float off the ground. He laughed nervously and repositioned himself onto a better setting. He was..... Excited, to say the least but also really really scared of falling off. “ W-well.... This isnt what I was expecting.... ” Jeremy yelled, making the couple laugh. “ How do you think we were gonna go back? Im a ninja and hes an elemental master. We go back with style ” Kai said, half shouting because of how loud the jets were. “ Trust me kid, were gonna give you the time of your life and the fun youve never had ” Shade exclaims with a smirk then starts flying off, setting its course to the monastery. Jeremy chuckled, feeling more giddy and amazed at teh sight of Ninjago City from up so high. He sighed, staring out the window. He felt.... Grateful. For everything. He was happy for once. This was the best day of his life.....