~DARKFASTTHINKING~ " I love him too... "

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(Drawing by me ^^)


*Highschool AU
*G. Turner x Neuro but Turner is frens with Shade
*Shade x Neuro but Shade is frens with G. Turner

3rd Person POV :-

Turner and Shade are really close friends. Like... Really close. They went to the same kindergarten, same primary school and now same highschool ; Park Vista Community Highschool. (any musical fans??) Sure, the place is filled with some smokers and weed takers but they go by well. The police had already taken care of it anyways. The whole place was missing most of everyone for a week and during that week, everything was.... Peaceful. Quiet. No bullies, no mean girls and no worries.

Shade and Griffin walk into school and sighed in relief as they smelled the fresh air surrounding them. Man, did it smell good? For so long, the place always smelled like... Weed....


Griffin and Shade look around as they walked and talked and stopped to see.... Neuro.

They both froze and blushed. Neuro was such a beautiful sight to see for them. He was like an angel. But heres the catch ; both of them doesnt know that the other likes their crush and the other likes their crush too. Its like... Like Wu and Garmadon when they were kids back then. They both had a plan to confess their feelings toward him. They didnt care what people said. They just wanted him. The two confessions happen to be on the same day and at the same place on the same time which was a huge problem. Neuro just followed what the two had asked of him, thinking in the end, it was just some silly prank. Little did he know...

Griffin wore the usual white jacket with light blue jeans. Shade wore his black shirt with a long sleeve white shirt inside and black jeans and honestly, both of them were a nervous wreck.

Neuro actually knew the two liked him in... That way. He didnt mind since he liked them too. But theyre both really, really good friends. He didnt want their friendship to be ruined by him. They are really close and even Neuro thinks so. Neuro was currently sitting down at the cafe the two boys asked him to, texting his friend, Gravis. Theyre really close like Shade and Turner. Theyre both calm, quiet and likes to read. The perfect pair of friends.


Griffin walked up to Neuro which caught the shorter's attention. Neuro looked up to see a sheepish smiled, nervous looking Turner. He smiled softly and greeted himself,

“ Neuro ” “ Griffin Turner ” Neuro smirked and nodded, “ I know. The one who sent me the letter. You know, Shade likes me too. Hes on his way ” and as Neuro said that, Shade came up from behind them, a bit confused why Griffin was here. “ Griff? What are you doing here?? ”

Griffin looked back to see Shade, amazed at his hair. It wasnt as messy anymore! Now, its just... Slick back. “ Did you change your hair? ” The shorter of the two asked, smiling nervously. Shade raised an eyebrow and nodded. The master of speed looked at Neuro and back at Shade and then to Neuro again and lastly ended with Shade. “ Y... You like Neuro? ” he asked as his face darkened with sadness, regret and pity. He didnt wanna fight his best friend for the love of his life. He didnt wanna lose either both.

Neuro sat there as he changed glances between the two elemental masters. Yes, they have powers. “ Ye... Yeah... I like Neuro... ” Shade said, lowering his voice to make sure Neuro didnt hear. Yet, anyways. Griffin's eyes widen as he stared blankly at his friend's violet eyes. He wanted to cry so much....

“ I.... I love him, actually ” the master of shadow said, smiling softly as he turned to meet Neuro's eyes.

“ But.... I.... I love him too.... ”

Bonus :

Neuro still sat there as the two kept staring at eachother, confused of whats going on. The master of mind took out a random box of popcorn, wherever it came from, and ate as he watched the drama of tWO FriENds lIKinG thE SAme cRUsh kind of thing happening.