~VIOLETPOSION~ " Theyre playing matchmaker on us "

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3rd Person POV :-

“ Whats the plan again? ” Tox asked, letting the couple repeat everything again. In truth, she had actually already knew the whole plan. She just needed to give herself some time before actually doing it. Shade and Pale sighed in annoyance, knowing that Tox was nervous. The two raised an eyebrow at her which made Tox realise that they knew what she was doing.

“ Okay, Tox. You dont need to lie anymore. We get that youre nervous but if you want this so badly, youve got to earn it. ” Shade explained to her as she nodded along. “ Here ” Pale said, handing her a bottle of water to drink and freshen up. She took a sip and inhaled deeply. She exhaled, making herself a bit more calm, then looked at the two lovers with determined and lit up eyes. “ Im gonna do it ” she said, making the couple to give her a good luck thumbs up and a salute for more luck. Tox walked around the bounty and after several minutes, she finally found Camille, fighting with Jay in Mario Bros.

Camille noticed the poison master and smiled, pausing the game. “ Yo, Tox. Whats up? ” she asked in her usual tone. “ Well... Not much. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to have lunch with me but... I guess youre busy. Ill just g-- ” “ No, wait ” Camille stopped the other master. A bubble of hope formed inside Tox, hoping she would ask her out without her having to run around everywhere, dragging her too. “ Id love to. And, nah. I dont need to win the game. Ive already won ” Camille finished while tapping 3 buttons and K.O-ed Jay completely. The ninja was full of disbelief and shocked. “ OH, COME ON!! TAHT WAS YOUR 4TH WIN!! ” The ninja whined, like he always and usually does. The two girls giggled and walked out and onto the deck, seeing some masters sparing eachother.

“ Wanna join them and spar for a bit?? ” the master of thorns asked, smiling at Tox. “ Uh.. Sorry, no thanks. I actually havent even eaten breakfast so... ” she replied, a bit embarrassed. Camille nodded in understanding of her behavior. “ You never eat breakfast... ” Camille mumbled out, not letting Tox hear. “ Im sorry, what did you say? ” Tox asked, leaning a bit closer towards her.

“ I-its nothing... ” the master of thorns quickly said, then taking her friend's hand, bringing her into the kitchen of the bounty. “ Here. How about we make some sandwiches, yeah? ” Tox nodded, taking out the butter from the fridge and a butter knife. When she turned to put it on the counter, hers and Camilles lips met but.... It wasnt necessarily a kiss. Tox turned flustered and Camille just blushed and said, “ Well... Uhm... H-here ” she said before moving elsewhere so that Tox could get through. 'Come on, Tox, that was nothing. You can do this. All you have to do is do a lot of romantic stuff without her realising.' Tox thought to herself. Camille came by next to her and she reached across the counter and grabbed some bread from Tox's side. Tox took advantage of this and kissed her knuckles, making the other to blush and jump a bit.

Tox turned to face Camille with a sly, teasing smirk. “ Uhmm... Heheh... ” was all Camille could say. She didnt have anything else to think of but her friend, who is smirking, is literally hitting on her.


Tox ran after Pale and Shade, yelling and telling them a new plan. “ GUYS! ” she shouted, catching their attention as fast as Turner could run up to Neuro and kiss him. “ Yeah, whats up, Tox? Did she ask you out? Did the plan work? ” Tox stopped to catch her breath, putting up a finger to let them know to wait for a while. She soon caught up with her breathing and started, “ I have a much better plan in mind.... ”


“ So... Basically... Youre gonna ask her out? ” Pale questioned the poisonous master, raising an eyebrow. “ Yep! ” she replied quickly. “ How do we help again? ” “ Well... I was thinking that you guys can maybe ask her of what she thinks about me. ”

Shade and Pale exchanged glances and Shade responded, “ But... Thats way too easy! Love is something hard to find. You cant just tell us to ask her if she has a crush on you. ” Pale nodded along, agreeing with his boyfriend. “ But you guys promised youd help me get her hand! ” Tox protested, trailing off at the end when Camille entered the room. “ Uhhh.. Bye ” the couple said before disappearing with the aid of their powers. “ Tox? What was that all about? ” “ N-nothing!! ” Tox said, almost about to walk out but Camille gripped onto her hand.

“ You have a crush on me? ” Camille asked in a neutral tone like it didnt even matter before laughing and muttered, “ Oh, my god, I cant do this... ” but her voice was much more deeper, sounding like Shade's.

Tox was so confused at this point and everything got much more confusing when Shade... Camille... Whoever it was, took off a wig, revealing the black hair underneath. It was Shade!! “ Shade, you blew our cover!! ” a voice, sounding like Camille's, behind Tox said. She turned back to see Camille in Shade's clothes, taking off the wig. She mumbled a 'what?' and looked to see a visible Pale again.

“ Okay, lets just spill everything on the table. We.... Set you up ” Pale confessed, tearing up and starting to laugh. “ Actually, you set me up, I set you up. With both their plans. But... I guess when youve figured it out and seen it more clearly, I guess its their set up ” Camille explained, mentioning the couple and looked at Pale, then Shade. Pale walked up to his boyfriend and held him tight.

“ Youre welcome. And you both owe us a big favor ” the couple said, wanting payment after everything was over. “ Yeah, yeah. Sure ” Camille said before going up to Tox, who was still shocked at what had happened. Camille kissed her cheek, snapping her out of her thoughts and said, “ It means Im asking you out-- ” “ YES! ” Tox exclaimed, hugging Camille as fast as Turner could run and lose to a tortoise.

Camille barked out a small laugh and whispered, “ Ill see you at Chen's tonight at 10 ” and walked away and outside, leaving Tox a blushing mess. She melted onto her bed and didnt sleep the whole night, thinking of Camille and what she had said and waited impatiently for it to become 10. She waited.
           And waited..
                  And waited...