~SHADOWPHEONIX~ " Adopting uwu "

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*Marriage AU
*They be getting a chalddd. Yall know what thaaat meeaaaaannnssssssssss! ART
*2 partsss

3rd Person POV :-

“ Kai, I dont care what gender or sexuality the kid has. He, She, they can be whatever they want. ” Shade huffed out to his husband, still looking forward to the road. “ Youre right... ” Kai sighed, a weight lifting from his chest and smiled. The couple were going to adopt their own child. Its been a couple months after their wedding and the house has been quiet. A little too quiet. They didnt like the empty echoes the house returned whenever they spoke to eachother. They wanted it to be full of energy and positivity so they decided to adopt and love their own child. They wanted to see how they acted and which one they chose to take care of. Shade pulls up to a parking spot in front of the orphanage and stopped the engine of their Hilux. “ Alright. Were here, red flower ” Shade muttered, unlocking the doors and walked out, Kai doing the same. “ I mean... Im really nervous. What if they wont like us? ” Kai sighed out with uncertainty in his voice. Shade put his arm around his lover and chuckled a bit. “ We'll love them then and wait until they return theirs to us. Just you wait ” the master of shadow reassured Kai, opening the doors to the lobby of the orphanage to meet with many couples and singles. Some were straight. Some were gay and some were just single parents, all of them sitting on a stretched out chair.

Shade and Kai went to an empty space of the long chair and sat down next to eachother as the receptionist called the names of a parent or two.


It had been at least 2 hours after Shade and Kai's arrival. Kai had fallen asleep on his lover's shoulder while waiting and if Shade were to be honest, it felt so comfortable, that he felt like he was about to sleep as well. Until- “ Shade and Kai? ” the receptionist's voice boomed over the speaker, making Shade quickly regain his energy. “ Kai? Its our turn. Come on ” he cooed, gently shaking Kai and waking him up. “ Hm? Oh.. ” Kai hummed, getting up and stretching, then fixed his hair. Shade walked up to the receptionist's counter. “ Ah. You are...? ”
“ Shade ” the master of shadow replied neutrally. The receptionist nodded and stared at the sheet of paper she held and paused for a moment.

She looked at Shade with a confused expression. “ Is it-? ” “ Kai. Sorry. I needed to wash my face ” Kai interrupts her and walks up beside Shade. The receptionist gave a surprised look and aksed, “ The red ninja? ” Kai nodded and yawned. She paused again but shrugged it off.

(idrk what u do in an orphanage when ur adoptin soooooooooooooo dont spam meh)


The couple walk through the doors, meeting many different kids with different personalities, running around and playing tag and building legos and box forts. Shade and Kai's eyes sparkled and smiled at the sight of the kids who still didnt know the true terrors of life. Energetic, positive...... Oblivious.

But they can enjoy their childhood unlike the rest. Theyre lucky to have a decent life with no abuse or pain or depression likeme.

There was a short silence that filled the room and that usually meant the kids had noticed the couple. Some of them just ignored, some just rolled their eyes and the rest just became all excited and ran up to them, pulling and asking questions. But one boy caught the couple's eye. A boy, who wore a dark blue shirt over a long sleeved light grey shirt. He had a light brown hair and it was both pointy sharp and slicked. Just like Kai and Shade's. A coincidence? Maybe. He wore  light blue jeans and black sneakers. His eyes were just black and he didnt seem to notice the couple.

The two lovers walked up to the boy and Shade asked in a soft tone, “ Hey, kid. Whats your name? ” the boy looked up form his book, surprised and confused. He had been in the orphanage for over 4 years. These were the only couple whove ever even talked to him. “ M-my name is-- ”


(Im so evil)

(Wait next chapter, Turner)