~GARMALOUSE~ " Inseparable "

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*Past vers.
*2 Parts

Garmadon's POV :-

Me and Clouse were training outside with our usual wooden swords. We were really close friends... No... We were inseparable. We were like a team no one can ever defeat. Well, other than me, my brother and my father, of course. But me and Clouse were closer than I was towards my family. But we were also sometimes opposites of eachother. Like he likes magic, I dont. I like spinjitzu, he doesnt. But we get along pretty well and we both had the same intentions ; we both wanted to be Chen's number twos. Me and Clouse never wanted where the other was important and the other was not. It wouldnt be fair to either of us.

After years of training and bonding between us, I started to receive... Feelings for him. Like how I reacted with Misako but... It was different. Like the world wanted us together. But I know not to rest on my laurals as when I keep my guard down and become too confident of my feelings, I might be broken with only one single word he might say if I confessed... Disgusting. That goes same with my family and Misako. I didn't want to think that about me. Sure, the evil from the great devourer was slowly consuming me, but I still had little care about everyone's thoughts about me.

Anyways, back to training, we were alone today since everyone else had went back early. But to get our trust with Master Chen, we had to stay and become models towards the ones below and who are full of fear by for example, the serpentine theives or just normal theives and thugs.

Master came out and announced, “ Good Garmadon, Good Clouse. Nowz whoever wins this battle gets to be my right hand and be awarded lordship”

Lordship... I wanted that.... Right hand... Clouse wanted that.... This was a problem and we both knew it. If we both lose, we wont get what weve been wanting to achieve. But we cant both win either. Its in our Master's motto ; only one can remain. And its in our motto too. If we never stuck with it, we would be hypocrites to our own words and opinions. We had no choice but to fight. So we did.


I won, using my spinjitzu then heard Clouse shout in anger. Man, Ive never seen him mad before.... “ H-he cheated, Master!! You said spinjitzu was forbidden!!” I had a look of disbelief. “ He had to do what he had to do to win. Congratulations... Lord Garmadon ” I didnt smile at this. I look at Clouse and left to follow Chen.