~INVISABLESHADOW~ " What the hell do I do "

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*Highschool AU
*Pale can turn visible nao uwu
*S H O O K E T H

Pale's POV :-

Summer had ended and school was in its usual place. Me, the other masters and the ninja had actually hung out a lot during the Summer Break and have actually formed a stronger bond than before. Well, such as me, Gravis, Jacob and Shade, Zane and Neuro, Ash, Kai and Lloyd, Turner and Jay, Cole and Karlof and Nya, Camille, Tox and Skylar. Just another thing is that no one else in the school but us that knows who the ninja are but me and the masters. We all never want to drag attention but we sometimes use our powers in secret. Like on tests or for P.E. and such. Its really useful when you havent studied the night before or the day before. Masters such as me, Neuro, Gravis, Karlof and Shade are the only few who actually tries our hardest not to use our powers in exams. Well... Thats only half true. So... Youre probably wondering,

' But Pale! How come no one has ever asked you why you are bodiless!? '

Well, I actually, I can turn visible from time to time. Ill give you an illustration of how I look like ; red collar shirt, white long sleeve shirt inside the collar shirt, blue jeans, orange glasses, a light brown beanie, pale white skin, almost white but brown slick back hair, black sneakers and a hidden necklace with a four-leaf clover inside it. Some people say I look cool, others say I look hot. I have no idea why and most of the people who say that are girls. Even if Ive clearly stated Im gay when Pride Month started so I try to keep my distance. Actually, now that Ive think of it, some masters even joke about it. Mostly Griffin, Karlof and.... Shade.... But his voice usually sounded a bit.... Broken. Not teasing. I might have a chance on him. Maybe, right?? I mean.... If he likes me back, of course... We celebrated Pride Month together and he said he was biromantic asexual. I have a chance, dont I? I do. Maybe? I dont know...

Shade's POV :-

I walk into class, Griffin talking next to me about some debate he had with Gravis. I didnt EXACTLY listen but I listened. I honestly would if it was Pale's voice. Be able to look at him in any expression at all and such. I would give the world to be with him. Anyone who does would call them honoured or even lucky to be with him, really. I mean... Is what I would think anyway... So many people like him and I get why ; hes smart, funny, handsome, really cute and... Hes gay too.... I would be confessing right now if I wasnt so socially awkward....

“ Yo. Shady. Shady shade. ” I hear Turner say, snapping out of my thoughts. I look at him as he raised an eyebrow. “ What? ” “ Teacher is waiting for your answer? Question 8, man! ” I look at him and widen my eyes. I looked down at his book then opened the same page. Fuck. I have no idea what this shit is. “ I-im sorry, ma'am.... I wasnt listening ” I admitted and looked down, afraid. “ Its alright, Shane. Next time please listen okay? ” I nod in understanding and sighed.


Lunch time came by in a flash. Me and the rest of the masters were sitting outside on a bench under a tree, talking, joking, laughing. All the usual.

“ Hey guys. Am I late? ” a familiar voice said. We all looked back to see the one and only Pale or.... Elijah, standing there as he smirked. I immediately became flustered and put on a sheepish smile. His hair, wow. And his voice, amazing. Just... Wow. No words can express how I feel right now. I cant focus. Hes too freaking hot. How the heck do I do this stuff? What do I say? What do I do? I DONT KNOW HOW TO CONTROL MY FEELINGS!!!! HELP--

“ Shade! You okay? ” Karlof asked as I watch Pale sit beside me. He glanced over and smiled. I turn to Karlof and nod.

What the hell am I supposed to do?