~THINKFAST~ " I need you.... "

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*Yall remember the ShadowPheonix one where the bounty crashed into the mountain and Neuro, Shade and Kai were the only ones there? Yeah its a continuation of that

(Neuro's POV)

(Turner's POV)

(Both POV's)

(3rd POV)

I wake up on top of Nya, my head aching like Neuro just used his powers on me. I groan and get off of her, holding down the pain that was aching on the side of my head. “ Nya!! ” I hear a voice that sounded like Jay's yell from a few trees behind me. I stood up and saw Jay emerge from the leaves with a panicked expression. He looked at me then at Nya and then rushed to her. I shrug off the  part he didnt ask about how I was doing and look around a bit. We were in a middle of a forest and no one else was around. Only me, Jay, Nya and parts of the bounty were here. “ HELLO!!? ” I call, trying to get reach if the others. “ PALE!? SHADE!! NEURO!?! ” I call again but no response. I guess theyre really far away. How the heck are we gonna--.

I then hear the leaves rustle beside me. I look to my side and the leaves moved. What, or who, came out was just.... Pale, Garvis and Jacob. “ Guys! ” I sigh in relief then ran up to them, giving them a hug.

“ Where are we? ” a soft groan came from Nya who slowly sat up form her position.  “ We crashed. I think.... ” Gravis muttered, looking up and squinting his eyes. “ Oh, its all my fault..... If only I hadnt left the helm, we would all be together and safe ” Nya muttered, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. “ No, no no its okay! Its not your fault. Come on, you didnt know... ” Jay reassured her. I look down, clenching my fists, then looked at Jay and Nya.

God, I wish someone would love me as much as they love eachother....

I stare as Kai and Shade walk off into the forest to look for supplies. I look around and pick up the helm of the bounty. It was fairly damaged and had lost some of the parts. Not that it was a huge problem. I mean, we could just find something to chop off a tree and take a few parts of the tree to make new parts. But other than that, we might need to chop off almost all the trees just to rebuild the bounty. We also will need some wires, steel, some metal, conductors, solar panels, rockets, and ecsetera. Most of those things would be impossible to find in a jungle. But we'll find hope.

I put down the helm and take a long sharp stick, writing somehing down on the dirt to leave a note for when Kai and Shade come back.

'Im off to find the rest. I cant contact them with my powers. Too tired'

I leave the stick next to the writing and take off, going right and into the trees. I sigh and look up, making sure that there are no snakes on the branches. I look down to make sure neither scorpions, snakes or anything poisonous and/or venomous is near my foot. I look straight forward and see a flash of white, leaving a trail of leaves following behind it. Could it be Turner?

I dont care if im tired right now. I need him....

'Turner?' I send the message to him. A few seconds passed and still no response. I sigh and keep walking, the bristle sounds coming from the leaves I step on and the slow calming wind fill the area.

This is honestly the most peaceful ive been....

I need him...

I wanna hug him again...

But were close friends and it woulf seem awkward if I tell him....

I love him