~FLASHTHUNDER~ " Jay.... "

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*A random ship I made idk whats wrong with me qwq
*The EMS (elemental masters) are part of the ninja team owo

Turner's POV :-

I sat on my bed, scrolling through Instagram and looked at the old photos of when we defeated Chen to when we had a sleepover to when we saved Ninjago and finally to where me and the other EMS were called to be the latest ninja. We didnt really want to but the talk seemed to have no end so we became part of the gang anyway. Its been about a year now and its actually not that bad being the ninja, having fans and saving the world. Honestly? We had to save ourselves from being noticed by anyone which was really hard unless youre Ash, Shade, me, Pale or Gravis since.... They can disappear and Gravis can just fly away and I can use my speed to just zip my way out of there. Heh... Zip... Jay used to call me that... Until Nadakhan took him away from me.... Took all the original ninja from us. It was only me, the EMS and Master Wu.

Yes. We havent seen them in a whole year.... We all miss them. Karlof missed his best bud, Cole. Neuro actually missed Zane. Skylar, Shade and Ash of course missed Kai, Tox and Camille missed Nya and I missed Jay.... Sure he was annoying and obnoxious at times but I really do miss the guy. I miss him a lot....