Leaving Home

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??? POV 

"Wake up would you!" A voice loudly said beside me.

I turned on my side and continued to let my eyes stay closed, ignoring the voice that was now behind me.

"Aish!" The voice grew tired and annoyed. "You left me no choice, Areum!"

Two hands slipped under my body and picked me up off the bed. I started to thrash around a bit and the feeling of someone's hands. "What the heck!" I eventually got dropped back onto the bed. I looked up at who had just carried me.

"You're heavy, you know?" His hands rested on his sides. "Thanks for the workout." A sarcastic tone leaving his mouth.

"Oh thanks, I love knowing how imperfect I am," I stated, turning back over in the bed.

"Aigoo..." With that, I heard footsteps out the door and within five minutes, another pair of footsteps came through my door.

"Kang Areum get your lazy butt out of bed right now!" I felt a hard slap on my leg.

"Eomma~" I whined. "I want to sleep!"

"Areum, you need to get ready, you're going to Korea today remember?" My mother's voice got a bit more gentle.

With that information, I sat up. I was fully awake now. I was going to Korea today! I stared at the people beside my bed. My mother was waking me up and my friend was the one who had tried to wake me up before. I stared at my friend who had come over to bid me goodbye before I left.

"Sorry, Jordan." I got out of bed. "I forgot I was leaving, no wonder you were here."

"All good, Areum." He watched as I headed to my closet to pick out my outfit for today.

"What do I wear?" I moved aside and let him look into my closet.

"I have no idea why you ask me for fashion advice." He stepped forward and went rummaging through my clothes. "Here."

He handed me a white, flowy shirt that had lines going across them. He then took out some black jeans with little rips at the knees. Lastly, he got a gray, fuzzy sweater and white sneakers for me to wear.

"No neck jewelry, no earrings, use that small brown, over the shoulder bag and that brown watch I got you." He threw the pants, sweater and shoes on my bed and walked out. "And do hurry would you?" He said closing the door.

I smiled and started to get changed. Jordan seemed to hate helping me out, but he never failed to come to my rescue when I needed it. He was just like a brother to me. Whatever the situation, I knew he would have my back. Finished changing into my clothes, I started to look around my room for what he told me to get. I found it all and set it on the bed and looked in the mirror. What was I supposed to do with my hair? Leave it wavy I guess.

 What was I supposed to do with my hair? Leave it wavy I guess

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I grabbed everything and headed out for breakfast. My eyes fell upon the breakfast table, a smile growing on my face. I looked to my mother, then to Jordan.

"Eomma! You didn't have to do this!" I said, walking to the counter, leaning over it and giving my mother a kiss on her cheek. "Thanks."

"You're welcome, dear." She washed her hands. "Now, go to the table. Eat!" She pushed me over to the table, where Jordan was seated.

"I see you actually did what I asked." He looked at me up and down.

"Hey! I do follow what you want me to do!" I sat down. "Most of the time."

"Sure." He said, starting to eat.

We both ate all the delicious food my mom had made. A typical breakfast for me was cereal or toast. Today, it was waffles, eggs and fruits. My mother knew that even though it was so simple, it was still one of my favourite breakfast meals to have. We finished breakfast and with that, my mother told me to get ready to leave. I headed to my room to get my luggage and walked out with a suitcase and a carry on bag.

"Wow, you actually packed lightly for once." Jordan chuckled as he took my suitcase and got it into the car.

"Yah, I don't pack that much!" I slapped his arm lightly.

"You do." He laughed and pushed me into the car. "Let's go."


"I've gotta go now." I looked at my mother and Jordan as we heard the announcement overhead.

I gave my mom a hug and Jordan one too. They walked me as far as we could and finally said our goodbyes. My mother gave me a kiss on the forehead, I gave her one on her cheek and she whispered in my ear.

"I'll miss you Areum. Be good okay?" I could hear her voice breaking a bit at the thought of me leaving.

"I will Eomma, and I'll call you when I get there." I pulled away from the hug.

"Don't forget me okay?" Jordan laughed nervously. "I don't want you to forget me." He said quietly.

I stepped closer to him and pulled him in for a hug; he hugged me back, tightly, not wanting to let go.

"I'll miss you." We said in unison. We let go and let out a laugh.

I walked through the door, waving to them one last time as I walked away. Goodbye Eomma, Jordan, home. Hello Korea.


This is my first kpop ff, a Stray Kids one!

What do you think? 

Ps: I'm completely in love with Yellow Wood!!!! 

Questions about me as a Stray Kids Stan? Ask below!

Update 5/22/2020: Since I have so many people supporting my book (THANK YOU) I will be doing the shout outs in chapters that came before when the shout outs started. Thank you <3

Thank you rukiddingrn for supporting my book!

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