Standing Up

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Areum POV

Why did they have to do that? I am in more trouble than I was before. Even though the guys had very well figured out that I was being forced to date, I still had to. Hwan was a great guy at least. He was forced into this just like me and he had his eye on some other girl in our grade, but instead, he was being forced to date me. At least, when this was over, he could go pursue that girl and I could just not date anyone. Things never went back to normal, even after the boys stood up for me. Now, the bullying from this group of girls was no longer about getting the guy's attention. It was about me being a target, for them being stood up to and all that. They still wanted the boy's attention, but they wanted to get back at me more. Unfortunately for me, I had more than just them to deal with.

"Hey!" I had run up to a group of kids bullying a girl in the younger grades. "Stop doing that." I put myself between the girl and the bullies.

"Why would we listen to you?" They pushed me aside.

"Stop." I gained balance and pushed them away, picking up the girl. "Or else, I will tell the principal."

They glared at me while scoffing. "This girl isn't worth it anyways." turned to me. "But you definitely deserve to be beaten up."

The lead boy went over to me, roughly pushing me to the concrete ground. Luckily, I caught myself with my hands and did not hit my head. Though, I think I may have sprained my wrist or something. The kicked me mercilessly. Even in the parts that they should not have kicked. I was in pain, trying to shield myself somehow. It did not work. They still found ways to hurt me.

"Hey!" A shout came from the distance. I heard footsteps coming closer. "What do you think you're doing?" The same voice said. "We have this all on camera... if you don't stop, we will send it to the principal."

Moments later, the boys dispersed and I was left on the ground, the girl looking over at me. She helped me sit up and wiped off the blood from my hands and knees which had come from scrapes from the concrete. She said thank you for rescuing her and asked if I would need help going home. I told her I would be fine, but she asked again, saying she could take me home if needed. Again, I refused.

"Don't you recognize me?" She cocked her head.

"I feel like I should... but I can't remember." I shook my head. "I'm sorry."

"Eunji." She put her hand out to help me stand up.

"Ah right." I nodded. "Jeongin's classmate." I looked around, to see the bullies were circling around some other people. Not fighting, but conversing. "Who were they?"

"They're in a lot of Jeongin's friend's grade." She replied. "They are the grade's bad boys." She sighed. "Really bad boys."

"Have they bullied you a lot?" I asked while turning to her.

"A little. Not as much as they've bullied other kids." She looked up at me. "They bully this one boy... he's one year younger than Jeongin and me, but he doesn't even go to this school."

"He doesn't?" I questioned, raising a brow.

"No, he just goes to a school nearby and they take the same route home." She explained.

"Oh..." I looked around. "Wait, who was it that told them to stop?"

"Them." She turned around to point at a group of boys walking away.

I let out a sigh, she must have been confused. Honestly, I was just unhappy that the boys had to step in again. The voice must have been Hyunjin's, it sounded most like his. I really did not want them to interfere. They had been involved too much already. They could be in danger if they did more. That is the last thing I would want, for them to be in danger.

"Unnie?" Her voice broke through my thoughts.

"Yes, Eunji?" I looked towards her.

"Is Jeongin a good kid?" She started to wander so I followed her.

"Yes." I found the question odd. "Why?"

"He just seems too quiet in classes." She shrugged. "Especially around me."

"Do you like him Eunji?" I asked jokingly.

"No way." She laughed. "I don't like him or anyone. Boys are weird."

"Tell me about it." I laughed along as we ended up nearing the group.

"Tell you about what?" Jisung asked, overhearing us.

"Um, nothing." Eunji and I walked ahead of them with smiles on our faces.


Seungmin POV

"Would you two stop arguing?" Woojin sighed as he walked into the room. "We can hear you from the second floor."

"We aren't fighting!" Hyunjin refused to admit that he was arguing with Minho.

"Sure." Woojin put a hand to his face. "Because yelling angrily at each other isn't fighting." He looked over to me. "Try and make sure they don't fight much more?"

"I'll try." I nodded as I watched the two as Woojin left.

Minho had gone to sit with Changbin while Hyunjin had gone to sit with Felix. They were conversing just fine. I decided that nothing could happen for a while, so I had some time to be on my phone. So I went on, scrolling through some random stuff. I was going through something on twitter. It was a whole bunch of Day6. I had recently gotten pretty into them. Would not say I was a stan quite yet though. Their songs were really good though. I was enjoying my sweet time on social media, and before I knew it, there was an argument brewing.

"Hey, I said I was going to talk to her," Hyunjin said to Minho.

"Well, I can talk to her too you know!" Minho glared at him.

"But I was the one who wanted to talk to her!" Hyunjin crossed his arms.

"And I have the right to talk to her too!" Minho said. "What, am I not allowed to say a few words to someone?"

"No, but not about this!" Hyunjin practically yelled. "I wanted to, okay???"

"Well, I'm doing it anyways," Minho smirked, pulling out his phone.

"Both of you stop!" I said, walking over to Minho and grabbing his phone. "This has been going on for so long, stop fighting would you!"

"Seungmin-ah!" Minho tried to get his phone back.

"Stop it!" I stomped my foot. "What do you guys want? To see her happy or for her to see you two arguing over her 24/7?" Well, that sure made them shut up.

"Arguing over me?" We looked over to the staircase to see Areum standing in shock after witnessing who knows how much of the argument.


So, is this story enjoyable? I'm starting to really doubt it... On another note, behind the scenes, I have written the climax! It only took me 70 chapters...

Thank you to ghostjiminn for supporting my book!

The guys are in Europe! I saw their pictures in Paris, I hope they're enjoying it! 

Also, happy 1 year Stays! I found out that this is our one year so congrats! 

How long have you been a Stay?

See you in the next one

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