Important Update

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Yes, I have reached 40k (THANK YOU SO MUCH BY THE WAY). However. I will not be updating this time around. The reasons I state below are also the reasons I have not been quite active here on Wattpad and why I am late to address this topic.

As many people may know, the world is not in the greatest state. Aside from the virus, as well as things like murder hornets or whatever it may be, the world is experiencing protests, riots even, and all these kinds of things.

I have chosen that instead of writing the next chapter, I will be taking the time to do "stream to donate" type things. I am unable to actually donate out of my own pocket (due to age, my guardians and the fact that I actually do not have much money in my own pocket) but I would like to still help out somehow. 

Not only do I do that, but I do post on other social media platforms [mainly my Instagram (@_kekamalp_)] and try to spread awareness and support things through there.

I would actually like to encourage my readers to do so too! Here are some links if you would like to help out! (look in the inline comment to access the links!)

Stream To Donate Videos: 

"Watch to Donate: A Moment of Calm on the Water in Edinburgh: Study and Work Ambience: Donate Free" 👉

STREAM TO DONATE: how to financially help with NO MONEY or leaving your house. 👉

For tips and how to "properly" stream, please ask! I am willing to explain

Another link for petitions, donations, etc: 👉


The other thing is, my life has been hectic. I have not had the time to do much because school is finishing up and I had had tonnes of things to do. Now, it is over, but I have had things to do outside of school which took up a lot of time. That, in addition to trying to stream for donations and also for awareness things, and other things in my life (which are too personal to talk about for me), gave me a reason to stop writing for the time being.

Lastly, if I am being completely honest, I am also at a writers block with this book. There are too many things in my mind going on so I am unsure how to write. I do not want to end up writing based on the situation now because it may become me on a tangent which is not pleasant to read. As well as the fact that I just have no ideas left because I am thinking of things like the racism and all these things happening in the world.

I hope you guys understand and thank you so much for still supporting my book and everything!

Let's make a difference guys! Stay informed, help educate, be educated, all that!

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay sane. I love you guys!

Ps. support God's Menu and support Felix (ask in the comments if you would like an explanation for Felix's situation).

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