Plan: Chaneul

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Chan POV

Silently, I watched each group perform. When Haneul was performing, I could not help but feel jealousy stirring up within me. I wanted to critique the boys for some reason. Yet, I could find nothing to critique. Sighing, I went on to watch Areum's group. They were doing relatively well, somehow, Minho and Hyunjin were not fighting. Though, there did seem to be some rivalry between the two. In the end, I began to do the choreography for the final song where each of us would come in. The song we were using was called Grrr. As I taught the boys the main choreo, I would let my eyes stray for a moment to look at the girls who were chatting together. They were not learning the choreo for the song since it was a Stray Kids thing. Though, we would be incorporating them into the dance later on. I watched Haneul whenever I got the chance. She seemed to be really uncomfortable with Grace and I wondered why. Areum, on the other hand, seemed to be trying to get them to be less awkward.

"Areum." I pulled her aside during the break. "What's up with Haneul?"

"What do you mean?" She furrowed her brow as she asked what I meant.

"She keeps ignoring me?" I sighed. "And she seems so much less open. To me and Grace at least."

"Oh, that..." She looked to her friend who was hanging out with Jisung and Felix. "I can talk to her about that."

"Can you?" I smiled. "Thanks." I looked at the time. It was time to start practicing again, so I rounded everyone up to go through the choreo once again.


Jisung POV

We had just finished performing the stage and we had gotten tons of support. Once we were back in school though, I noticed a change in some atmosphere. People seemed to start to despise Haneul, Grace and Areum. Jealous I bet.

In the time since I had walked with Haneul to now, we had gotten much closer. She was like a great friend. Like an older sister to me. She and I often discussed things that were on our minds, things that were serious and of course, the most ridiculous things too. She came to me often talking about Areum or Chan. I was quick to figure out that she liked Chan. She had grown to be slightly jealous of Grace, thinking that they may be a thing. Of course, I wanted to tell her that they were just friends, but I had no real proof. All I knew was that they grew up together, which is all I told her. Whenever she came complaining to me about something, I did my best to take her mind off of it. She always complied and let me distract her. One day, Areum had pulled me aside to ask me about Haneul. I told her what she wanted to hear and we ended up scheming a way for her to see that Chan and Grace really were not a thing. Of course, neither Chan nor Haneul knew about this.

"Why won't you hang out with me?" Haneul tugged at my arm playfully.

"Because~" I looked at her. "It's your day to hang out with Areum. You should hang out with her." I shook her arm back.

"But that's not for another hour." She pouted.

"Just go get ready." I pushed her into her room. "I'll be waiting."

"Fine." She walked in and got ready. About ten minutes later, she came out and asked me about her outfit, which I said was fine. She went back in to do her hair and came out, soon dragging me off the couch to the outdoors. "Let's go for a walk!" Which is exactly what we did.

"Haneul, wait out here for a bit," I said as I went inside my house to get something. We had decided to stop by my house so I could get a jacket for myself. Just as I was passing a window to go out of my house, Chan was walking down the street and was standing in front of Haneul, who seemed to start to close off. Oh... shoot. I thought as I watched through the window. Haneul seemed to start to close off suddenly, she turned away to my house. I saw Chan's expression falter as he watched her turn away. I watched as Chan tried to spark a conversation with her. She did her best to stay open to him, but seemed to be having a hard time. I wanted to go out and help her, but I knew they had to mend things on their own.

Haneul's eyes always wandered to my house, waiting for me to come out and save her. Instead, I stayed in the safety of the window where she could not see me and watched carefully. Chan seemed to be trying to spark up a conversation with her and she tried to be open to the conversation too. It looked very awkward though. Just then, I watched as Haneul turned to Chan and stopped facing my house. She had a bright smile on her face. Of course, I never caught what happened. Confused, I continued to watch. They were getting closer to each other, and I was watched, I was surprised by what happened next. They both embraced each other. Moreso Chan hugged her first and she reacted back. I decided to step outside to see what was up. She looked in my direction and waved, walking away with Chan's arm around her shoulder. Just then, I took out my phone and went to my texts with Areum.

Um, our plan is a success?

What do you mean?
We haven't done anything yet

Yeah... about that.
[picture of Chan and Haneul walking away.]

What a surprise.
At least we didn't have to do too much.

Looks like I'm gonna be lonely now.

Don't say that! You still have me
Oh and the other guys too.

Thanks, Noona. :)

No problem
How about we meet up since those two are busy doing... idk.


I smiled and headed in the direction of the cafe. Just as I was about to head towards the bus stop, I noticed a familiar group of people. I pulled my cap down lower in hopes that they would not see me. They did not notice me as I walked by, but as I walked by, I heard things that made me fired up.

"You know," One girl said. "Those three girls," she scoffed. "They don't deserve Stray Kids." Again, she scoffed arrogantly. "They are so trash."

Just like that, I found myself walking back and facing them, rage in my eyes.


What a cringy chapter title.

Thanks to Little_atiny for supporting my book!

School is starting soon so I will start posting less... maybe once a week (plus, I have another story on my other profile and will be starting a new one soon as well). Please pick a convenient day for you to read updates, comment and I'll take it into consideration.

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