Where Did She Go?

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Areum POV

I was wandering in a forest. I had no clue where I was. Some people, Duri I assumed, had taken me somewhere to get lost. It was not like I had let them. They had come to me and ended up beating me up. They decided to leave me in a forest while I was passed out. Now, I had come to and was wandering around. I was lost, I did not know the way out, but I wanted to go home. I wanted to go to Haneul, I wanted anything but to be lost in a forest while it was nearing the night in November. There was no signal so I had no way of contacting anyone. All I had tonight was a winter jacket, that was not made for winter nights, and the things I would have brought to Haneul's house. Like pyjamas, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, phone, charger, wallet, keys, lip balm, lotion, just basic things that she could not provide me with. I had no food, I had no water. How was I supposed to survive?

Continuing to wander, I wondered how I was supposed to get out. I could call for help, but it was very unlikely that they would hear me. I wracked my brain for ideas, but I had none. Hopefully, Haneul had noticed and would call the boys and perhaps the cops. For now, I guess I was left to find a place to rest and wait it out.


Hyunjin POV

I woke up to a spam of texts in the early morning. They were annoying me, so I decided I might as well turn the phone off. Instead, one message caught my eye. Areum is missing it read. I was immediately alert. She was missing? I looked at the time, it was six in the morning. I went into the texts and started to get involved.

Hyunjin! Respond! I'm worried!

Sorry bro.
What happened???

Haneul called Woojin saying she was gone!
She was supposed to go to Haneul's for a sleepover
She never showed!

Are you doing a search party?

Of course.
Get your butt out here and help out!

I'll be there. Park?

Yep, hurry up.
We need all the help we can get.

With that, I bolted out of bed, getting changed and running out without saying a word to my parents. Soon enough, I reached the park to find Jeongin waiting at the main entrance with no one else. He looked at me worried once I was in his view.

"We don't know where she is." His voice was beginning to crack. "Minho checked in her house, she wasn't there. They checked the park, she's not here, the cafe, the school, we can't find her!"

"Jeongin, don't worry," I said, patting his head. "We'll find her."

"Okay..." He took out his phone. "Should I call the others to meet up?"

"Yes, you should." I nodded, letting him phone everyone.

He called three different groups of people. They must have split off into groups. He finished calling the last group, and by that time, the first group had already shown up. It was Jisung, Haneul and Minho. Eventually, everyone else came too. I was surprised to see Hwan and Grace come by and help too.

"Okay, good, everyone's here." Haneul said, stepping up. "Let me explain everything." She began to tell us what happened the night before. How late it was, and everything. She was quite thorough and detailed too. They said they had not yet called the police quite yet, they wanted to check first, because for all they knew, she could have just been stopped and went somewhere and fallen asleep there and was in no danger. They figured they would try looking for her another hour and if they could not find her, they would call the authorities.


Seungmin POV

We have been searching all morning. No Areum. We had already called the authorities earlier this morning. They went on their search too. The police asked us to call her parents. Of course, we could not do that. They understood and went on to search for her. They told us we could go home if we wanted, but none of us wanted to. We all wanted to find her. Who knows where she could be? In the winter too! I worried that she would get sick because of the cold or something like that. I did not want that to happen. As we were searching, Haneul called my group.

"Seungmin-ah?" She said on the other line.

"Yeah?" I responded, in hopes that they had found Areum.

"I need you and your group to meet up at the pond." She said, quite seriously.

"Got it." I turned to Changbin and Felix. "They want us at the park." So we started our walk there. Once we got there, we saw the others were waiting anxiously for Haneul to tell us whatever news it was she had to bring.

"The police can't help us anymore." She stated. "They just got a call and have way too many cases to take right now. So... we're left to look for her on our own." She looked at her watch. "Let's go eat lunch before we continue to search. Or we can take turns, which do you guys prefer?"

"Turns." Minho blurted out. "I want to find her, and if we all go eat lunch, we won't find her if we aren't looking."

"Is everyone okay with that?" Haneul looked at the group, watching as they nodded. "Okay, who's going to eat first? Let's have two groups eat." Everyone looked at each other, but none rose their hands. They clearly all just wanted to find Areum. "Okay, my group and Chan's group are going to search." She made the decision for us. "Jeongin's and Seungmin's are eating." She looked at her watch once more. "We switch at 1:15, here."

"Got it." We all said.

"Alright, let's go. See you guys at 1:15."


Soooo yeah... I don't have much to say.

I've created my 2nd account and will post stuff on it once I get that account ready... uh... yeah nothing is on there quite yet lol. _KEKamalP_ is the account if you wanna follow it and be the first to be notified of new story ideas and stuff.

Thank you to Nxstalgic_nights for supporting my book! Cool user by the way!

Welp, still kinda depressed.

See you in the next one.

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