New Boy

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Jeongin POV

"Hey... hyung?" I tugged at Woojin's shirt.

"What is it?" He said, head not raising form looking at his phone.

"Isn't that Areum?" I said, causing him to look up.

His eyes widened as he stared. "I think so..." He put his phone away. "Who is she with now?" We watched as she walked down the sidewalk, hand in another guy's hand.

"I've seen him before..." I trailed off as I watched them enter. "Oh wait... his sister is in Bin's grade I think."

"Someone call me?" Changbin came and put his arm around me.

"Where did you come from?" I said, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Oh, I was headed home but saw you guys here, staring at the cafe like a bunch of dorks." He chuckled while letting go of me.

"Bin, do you know who that is?" Woojin said, pointing to Areum and the guy.

"Yeah..." He rose a brow, suddenly serious. "That's Soo-A's brother." He watched them carefully. "Moonbin."

Right then, Areum made eye contact with me. She smiled and waved before turning towards the cafe and walking in with this Moonbin. Shaking my head, I faced the boys. They were both pretty shocked and I could tell, but they kept their cool and started their own conversation.

"Hey, why don't you drop by to my place?" Changbin suggested. "Felix is coming over and so is Jisung."

Woojin looked to me, as if asking if I wanted to or not. "Sure." I said nodding.

"Kay, let's stop by the cafe and get some drinks, yeah?" Changbin said as he walked ahead.

"But Moonbin and Areum are in there..." I said as I watched Woojin follow.

"Does it matter?" Changbin asked as he continued. "We're just getting drinks and heading out."

"I guess it doesn't." Shrugging, I followed them into the cafe.


Changbin POV

It had been a few days since the encounter of Areum and Moonbin at the cafe. We had walked in and they noticed. Both smiled at us before returning to their own conversation. The three of us got our drinks and headed to my apartment where we met Minho, Jisung and Felix. We told them about it and eventually got around to telling the others. After that, we asked Areum about it and said they were dating, nothing was official quite yet though. I had discovered that one of Moonbin's best friends was in my class. Because of that, I decided I might befriend the guy.

"Hey." I said, sitting beside the boy.

"Um... hi?" He took out an earbud and looked to me oddly. "You never talk to me, what's up?"

"Nothing really." I shrugged. "Thought I might get to know you."

"Oh um, okay." He said quietly. "Did Moonbin do something...?"

I chuckled. "No, no. I mean, he's dating one of my friends but that doesn't really do much. I just wanted to get to know you after I found out that he was dating my friend."

"O-oh okay." He nodded.

"Don't be nervous to talk to me." I said as I leaned back in my chair.

"Who said I was?" He said a bit teasingly.

"Yah~" I sat up with a smile. We were really hitting it off well. After some conversation, we exchanged numbers and decided to go get a drink at the cafe together. As we headed out, some of the boys came to me.

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