The Photobook

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Felix POV

I was about to shout out her name. Then, I realized that maybe I should not. She has been a little moody here and there. I honestly did not know why. She spent less time with us now. We were never the closest in the group, but we were never this torn. I watched her walk into a pharmacy and I waited at an outdoor table in front of the cafe I always went to. Sipping on my iced drink, I scrolled through my phone while I waited for her to walk out. Minutes later, I saw her walk out with a small box in her hands. Head turning towards me, she stopped in her tracks to wave. Waving back, I put down my phone and held out a hand, telling her to wait for me. My drink was in my hand, my phone was being stuffed into my pockets as I was walking across the empty street to her.

"Hey, Lix." She put the box in her hand furthest from me and started to walk. "Care to join me?"

"Sure thing." I nodded and came up to her. "English?"

"Of course." She smiled. "How's it been?"

"Good," I nodded, taking another sip of my drink.

"Practicing hard?" She put her arm in front of me so I would not walk across the street and get hit by a car that was hidden around the corner.

"Thanks, and yeah, of course." I began to walk once it was clear. "How's it been for you?"

"Okay." She stated simply. Nothing more, just okay.

"Hey, what's that?" I took her hand and turned it over to reveal a bruise on her forearm.

"Uh, volleyball." She pulled her arm away from me and rubbed it using her other hand which still held the box in it.

"Is that what that's for?" I pointed at the box.

She nodded and looked at her watch. "Oh, sorry Lix, I have to go!" She started to run, shouting as she went. "Bye Felix!"

"See you," I shouted back as I turned around, heading towards Hyunjin's place.


Minho POV

"What do you-" I stopped when I saw who was at the door. "Oh, hi Areum, what are you doing here?"

"Is Bin home?" She asked instead of answering my question.

"No, why?" My brow rose as I looked her up and down.

"Good." She put her hand on my chest, pushing me aside. "Which is his room?"

"That one." I pointed to the one across from the balcony.

"You have the masters, I see." She took off her shoes and headed towards his room.

"What are you doing?" I followed her. "Just barging in?"

"Sorry," She placed a bag and card on Changbin's bed. "I see he really does love dark." She turned around and looked at me. "Don't tell him I left this here." She walked out and got to the door, putting on her shoes and turned the door handle, walking out. "Thanks, Minho." Before closing the door behind her, she turned slightly to smile at me. "Lee Minho."

With that, she walked out, closing the door behind her.


Areum POV

I was back out on my balcony. Sitting on the ground, I was looking at the stars. Beside me sat a water bottle, my phone and a photo album. I really did not want to pick it up and look through. Every time I did, I would be in tears. However, it was a tradition for me to open it and look at it on this day every year. Why today? It was my older brother's birthday. He had made a photobook since he was seven years old. It had all his memories. All our memories. Reluctantly, I took the book and looked through it. Sure enough, the tears started to fall down my face.

"Ugh, I hate this." I closed the book and dropped it beside me as I used my other hand to wipe away my tears.

The images stuck in my mind. One, in particular, stuck to me today. It was a picture of seven-year-old Yeongsoo, three-year-old Jeonghui and five-year-old me in front of a cherry blossom tree at a park. My hands were empty, but Yeongsoo had a popsicle in his and Jeonghui had one too. I remember exactly what had happened after the photo was taken.

"Areum-ah." Yeongsoo tapped my shoulder.

"Yes, Oppa?" I turned my head around and looked at him.

"Here." He held out his popsicle from behind the bench. "You dropped yours... you can have mine."

"Really?!" I completely turned and was on my knees, looking over the bench.

He put his hand closer to mine and handed it to me. "Yeah."

Gratefully, I took the popsicle and watched as my Oppa walked away to the cherry blossom tree and played around with the fallen blossoms. He looked sad, and I felt bad that he felt the need to give me the popsicle. Staring at him, then the popsicle, I got off the bench, surprisingly, neither I or the popsicle fell, and walked over to him. He looked up at me from where he was sitting.

"What do you want?" He said teasingly. "I already gave you the popsicle."

"Here." I held out to him.

"Hm?" He took it. "You don't like it?"

"I haven't tried it." I shrugged. "But it's yours, and I don't want to take it from you." I smiled and walked away, leaving him to play with the blossoms.

"Areum?" A voice broke through. "What are you doing out here?"

I looked to my right. "Hey," I looked over to Changbin. "Just... out here." I said quietly as I stood. "Wearing the outfit I got you, I see."

"Oh, yeah." He nodded. "I really like it. Thanks for the birthday gift."

"No problem." I shrugged as I picked up the album, my water bottle and phone.

"Going in already?" He went to the railing. "Repelled from me, eh?"

"No, no." I shook my head. "I was just going to put this inside. I'll be back out."

"Don't." He stopped me before I went inside. "Meet me up at the rooftop.


Alright, I hope this story is still okay!

Again, this chapter is dedicated to my friend because it is her birthday. She is such an amazing person! She's so kind, humble, a great listener, funny, sympathetic, caring, and the list goes on. 사랑해애애애애애애애~

See you in the next chapter!

Update 5/22/2020: Since I have so many people supporting my book (THANK YOU) I will be doing the shout outs in chapters that came before when the shout outs started. Thank you <3

Thank you Hayles15 for supporting my book!

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